The Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians Tribal Leaders announced Monday that the Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino will reopen on Thursday, December 31.
The casino has been closed since October 2014 after an armed tribal dispute occurred. According to the release, an agreement was reached between the Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians and the National Indian Gaming Commission last Monday which paved the way for the casino's reopening.
"Since our election, the Tribal Council has worked every day with our government partners, casino management team and local business partners to get Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino ready to open for our customers," Tribal Chairwoman Claudia Gonzales said. "We are thankful for the support of our members and believe this is an important first step in bringing prosperity back to our people."
A formal reopening ceremony will take place on January 15, 2016.
Sovereign Immunity Conceals Egregious Civil and Human Rights Abuses
Stripping Your Own People of Their Rights Is an Atrocity That Must Be EXPOSED and Stopped.
TAKE A STAND and Make Your Voice Heard.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The next three days will be spent with family and friends. The Christmas shopping's done, the grocery shopping is done. Do you all have a wish list? Here are some of the things I'm wishing for:
1. I wish that the Hunter & Manuela Miranda Family can emerge stronger after more than a decade of Christmases under disenrollment. We don't need strong, silent types, we need vocal types, and we need more of us in the fight, to honor our ancestors.
2. I hope the CPP, who have gotten a felon elected to Pechanga's council, will have this as their last Christmas. Maybe get some hearts as their evil ones die off.
3. I'm hoping that the thousands f disenrolled tribal members will band together adding their voices together, not just to complain, but to act. We've gotten more attorney's involved, we've increased the wattage on the spotlights shining on the corruption, we've gotten more news stories. We need MORE arrows in the quiver....and that comes from YOU...
4. I'm hoping that more will help by sharing our posts on social media, liking those post ON social media. Use our email list to keep our politicians both informed....and ON NOTICE that we expect them to act. At the bottom of each post, there are buttons to share on TWITTER, FACEBOOK and PINTEREST, and to also GOOGLE + the story. These simple actions..will help. We don't need you standing in the snow...simple presses of the buttons...
Paulina Hunter
Original Pechanga Person
Proven so, by Tribe's own evidence
Disenrolled posthumously
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Be safe, enjoy the time with your family.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Appeals Court Strikes DOWN Trademark Ban on OFFENSIVE REDSKINS
A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday struck down a provision of a federal law that barred the registration of offensive trademarks because it violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C., vacates the refusal by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to register the name of the Asian-American rock band, The Slants. It could also affect the decision by the agency to cancel the trademarks of the National Football League's Washington Redskins.
The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C., vacates the refusal by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to register the name of the Asian-American rock band, The Slants. It could also affect the decision by the agency to cancel the trademarks of the National Football League's Washington Redskins.
Tuesday's ruling that the law is unconstitutional now sends the case back to the Patent and Trademark Office for further proceedings.
Interest in the case is high because the more high-profile Redskins case is also currently on appeal at the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.
Monday, December 21, 2015
NIGC Enters Agreement with the Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians to Reopen Casino
The National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) has entered into a settlement agreement with Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians (Tribe) located in Coursegold, California. In October, 2014, the Chairman issued a notice of violation and temporary closure order for all gaming activity at the Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino because the Tribe was operating the gaming facility in a manner that threatened public health and safety. The Chairman had also issued notices of violation and a temporary closure order because the Tribe had failed to submit annual independent audits, financial statements, and agreed-upon procedure reports for fiscal years 2012 and 2013. The settlement agreement resolves these issues and seeks to ensure the on-going health and safety of the gaming operation and its employees and patrons.
The settlement agreement allows the Tribe to reopen its gaming facility under certain conditions. A significant condition of the settlement agreement is that the Tribe agrees to pay a fine in the amount of $19,845,000, a portion of which will be suspended as long as the Tribe adheres to the settlement agreement. The agreement further details both pre-opening conditions and post-opening conditions the Tribe must meet to ensure the safety and health of patrons and employees and compliance with NIGC audit regulations, including a requirement for the NIGC to conduct a full Internal Control Assessment within nine months of the opening date.
The Agreement specifies that if anything occurs to threaten the health and safety of the facility or its patrons and employees, the closure orders will be immediately reinstated and the suspended fine amount will be due. Furthermore, if deadlines or terms of the agreement are not met by the Tribe, the settlement agreement provides that the Tribe must cease and desist all gaming activity. NIGC will continue to monitor the Tribe’s gaming activity and enforce the settlement agreement, as well as investigate and enforce against any new or reoccurring threat to health and safety, or violations of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, NIGC’s regulations and the Tribe’s Gaming Ordinance.
NOOKSACK Tribe Countersues Nooksack 306
The Nooksack Tribe, which recently had to shut down one of their underperforming casinos, has file a countersuit against the Nooksack 306. They throw the term ineligible plaintiffs a lot...
Read the filing HERE
This will get interesting. It would seem that if the Nooksack tribe spent as much time on their casino business, instead of violating civil and human rights...they would be more successful.
If the NOOKSACK 306 doesn't belong why does everything have to be amended.... YOUR Constitution, YOUR Ordinances, YOUR codes, resolutions and motions in court
Read the filing HERE
This will get interesting. It would seem that if the Nooksack tribe spent as much time on their casino business, instead of violating civil and human rights...they would be more successful.
If the NOOKSACK 306 doesn't belong why does everything have to be amended.... YOUR Constitution, YOUR Ordinances, YOUR codes, resolutions and motions in court
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Gabe Galanda is a Native Lawyer That Takes on DISENROLLING TRIBES.
A nice piece on Seattle Native American attorney who has done a great job in bringing the disgraceful actions of disenrollment forward. Please read, and share on social media:
In his big gray truck, Gabriel Galanda makes a notable entrance into a Nooksack tribal-housing development of a couple dozen modest homes, set on a winding road about a half-hour east of Bellingham. Many of the residents, members of a sprawling clan who move easily in and out of each other’s homes, appear with platters of fry bread, chicken adobo, baked halibut, salads, cupcakes and pies.
It’s a feast befitting their biggest defender, one who has made their small tribe of a couple thousand members well-known throughout Indian country, and not in a good way. The Nooksack tribal government for the past three years has been trying to disenroll the clan in this housing development and its extended family — which would strip all 306 of tribal membership.
And for the past three years, Galanda, a Seattle-based Native American lawyer, has been fighting it. The cause has taken the 39-year-old Galanda on a journey, personal and professional, that taps into the heart of what it means to be Native American.
It has led him to challenge what he calls an “epidemic” of disenrollment among not only the Nooksack, but tribes across the country, afflicted with factional fighting and questions of how to divide casino riches. They include the Snoqualmie Tribe, where a controversy over disenrollment and banishment erupted seven years ago; the Cherokee Nation, embroiled in a long-running court battle after trying to kick out descendants of slaves owned by the tribe, and dozens of California tribes.
Read the rest of the article and for MORE on Disenrollment please:
Read the Rest of the ICT article here
Learn More on Disenrollment, Ethnic Cleansing in Indian Gaming Country at these Links:
Gaming Revenue Blamed for Disenrollment
disenrollment is paper Genocide
CA Tribal Cleansing
Tribal terrorism
TRIBAL TERRORISM includes Banishment
Nooksack Disenrollment
In his big gray truck, Gabriel Galanda makes a notable entrance into a Nooksack tribal-housing development of a couple dozen modest homes, set on a winding road about a half-hour east of Bellingham. Many of the residents, members of a sprawling clan who move easily in and out of each other’s homes, appear with platters of fry bread, chicken adobo, baked halibut, salads, cupcakes and pies.
It’s a feast befitting their biggest defender, one who has made their small tribe of a couple thousand members well-known throughout Indian country, and not in a good way. The Nooksack tribal government for the past three years has been trying to disenroll the clan in this housing development and its extended family — which would strip all 306 of tribal membership.
And for the past three years, Galanda, a Seattle-based Native American lawyer, has been fighting it. The cause has taken the 39-year-old Galanda on a journey, personal and professional, that taps into the heart of what it means to be Native American.
It has led him to challenge what he calls an “epidemic” of disenrollment among not only the Nooksack, but tribes across the country, afflicted with factional fighting and questions of how to divide casino riches. They include the Snoqualmie Tribe, where a controversy over disenrollment and banishment erupted seven years ago; the Cherokee Nation, embroiled in a long-running court battle after trying to kick out descendants of slaves owned by the tribe, and dozens of California tribes.
Read the rest of the article and for MORE on Disenrollment please:
Read the Rest of the ICT article here
Learn More on Disenrollment, Ethnic Cleansing in Indian Gaming Country at these Links:
Gaming Revenue Blamed for Disenrollment
disenrollment is paper Genocide
CA Tribal Cleansing
Tribal terrorism
TRIBAL TERRORISM includes Banishment
Nooksack Disenrollment
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Juanita Sanchez, Elder of Manuela Miranda Family of Pechanga, Walks on at 88, Without Justice.
Sad news today, to hear of the passing of the ELDER of the Manuela Miranda family, whose lives were ripped apart in the first mass disenrollment in the history of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians.
In her search for justice, she opened her home to protesters, to provide sustenance, support and guidance.
Grandson John Gomez Jr posted this on his Facebook page in her honor:
Earlier this morning, my Grams, Juanita D. Sanchez passed on. Born on June 24, 1927 at her family's ranch near San Jacinto, California, my Grams was one of ten children born to Andres and Frances Salinas.
A direct descendant of Temecula Chief Pablo Apish, Grams was a proud Payoomkawish who spent her life helping and caring for others.
Grams spent over 20 years with the California State Department of Rehabilitation as a case worker and received a commendation from the California State Legislature for her work on behalf of her clients. After retiring as a State of California employee, Grams continued to serve others by donating her time and resources to numerous charities and organizations.
A member of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians until 2004, Grams worked with others who had been the victim of human and civil rights violations in Indian Country. She was preceded in her death by her parents Andres and Frances as well as her 9 brothers and sisters: Jozee, Esther, Pete, William, Michael, Myrtle, Pearl, Margaret, and Beatrice.
She leaves behind her four boys, Paul,John, Arthur, and Alfred, and a large number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
Services will be held next week in Murrieta, California and Grams will be laid to rest at San Jacinto Valley Cemetery near her mother and grandmother.
In her search for justice, she opened her home to protesters, to provide sustenance, support and guidance.
Grandson John Gomez Jr posted this on his Facebook page in her honor:
Earlier this morning, my Grams, Juanita D. Sanchez passed on. Born on June 24, 1927 at her family's ranch near San Jacinto, California, my Grams was one of ten children born to Andres and Frances Salinas.
A direct descendant of Temecula Chief Pablo Apish, Grams was a proud Payoomkawish who spent her life helping and caring for others.
Grams spent over 20 years with the California State Department of Rehabilitation as a case worker and received a commendation from the California State Legislature for her work on behalf of her clients. After retiring as a State of California employee, Grams continued to serve others by donating her time and resources to numerous charities and organizations.
A member of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians until 2004, Grams worked with others who had been the victim of human and civil rights violations in Indian Country. She was preceded in her death by her parents Andres and Frances as well as her 9 brothers and sisters: Jozee, Esther, Pete, William, Michael, Myrtle, Pearl, Margaret, and Beatrice.
She leaves behind her four boys, Paul,John, Arthur, and Alfred, and a large number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
Services will be held next week in Murrieta, California and Grams will be laid to rest at San Jacinto Valley Cemetery near her mother and grandmother.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Are Tribal Membership Moratoriums ANY Different Than Trump's Muslim Moratorium?
Many Tribes have moratoriums on membership in place. Most have been implemented after they opened up lucrative casinos. Some are keeping rightful descendants OUT of the tribe. Some are related to the people keeping them out.
Recently GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested keeping out Muslims from our country. He immediately caught fire from liberals who were aghast at the suggestion that we'd keep people out based on religious ideology.
But is that any different than tribes keeping people out because they come from the wrong family?
At Pechanga, we've written about the "Moratorium People" the Petra Tosobal descendants. They certainly belong. You can read about it here: Moratorium People
Tribal officials had told him he and his family are not on the rolls, he said, and they won’t get considered for membership until a moratorium on new enrollments is lifted now extended past 2010. His family members, who number more than 100, have stacks of documents that they say they submitted to the enrollment committee 15 years ago.
How is that different from Muslim refugees who are looking for a better life? Some may be coming here because they have family here. Same with tribal descendants. They have family in the tribe, but the tribe keeps them out. Where are the howls of protest?
Is it easy to scream hateful things because it's TRUMP? Why isn't the left of aisle politicians looking HERE, to stop the hateful practice of moratoriums to membership?
Recently GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested keeping out Muslims from our country. He immediately caught fire from liberals who were aghast at the suggestion that we'd keep people out based on religious ideology.
But is that any different than tribes keeping people out because they come from the wrong family?
At Pechanga, we've written about the "Moratorium People" the Petra Tosobal descendants. They certainly belong. You can read about it here: Moratorium People
Tribal officials had told him he and his family are not on the rolls, he said, and they won’t get considered for membership until a moratorium on new enrollments is lifted now extended past 2010. His family members, who number more than 100, have stacks of documents that they say they submitted to the enrollment committee 15 years ago.
How is that different from Muslim refugees who are looking for a better life? Some may be coming here because they have family here. Same with tribal descendants. They have family in the tribe, but the tribe keeps them out. Where are the howls of protest?
Is it easy to scream hateful things because it's TRUMP? Why isn't the left of aisle politicians looking HERE, to stop the hateful practice of moratoriums to membership?
Monday, December 14, 2015
Broadman and Miller: Native Lawyers say Disenrollment BAD for the BOTTOM LINE....REDUX
They've written before on the issue of disenrollment and the costs to tribes, and now there's more in Indian Country Today:
First, disenrollment harms existing businesses. In Washington, a small faction of the Nooksack Tribe has unsuccessfully tried to disenroll a group of members known as the “Nooksack 306,” since late 2012. The nearly three years of upheaval has brought the Nooksack government’s operations to a screeching halt, and impaired all of the Tribe’s businesses.
In 2013, the faction fired dozens of disenrollees who, over the last decade, had helped build the Tribe’s two casinos and keep Nooksack gaming operations in the black. Within months, the Nooksack Tribal Chairman announced that the Nooksack River Casino might close because of a judgment against the casino of more than $20 million for unpaid debt. As reported by the Bellingham Herald, “the tribal council was too preoccupied with a controversial effort to disenroll hundreds of tribal members” to properly run the Tribe or its enterprises.
The Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians, which “has been disenrolling members for decades” for sake of larger Indian gaming revenue per-capita distributions to remaining tribal members, is in the same financial purgatory. Last year a federal judge shuttered its once lucrative casino, causing a catastrophic default on the Tribe’s $250 million bond issuance through Wells Fargo Bank.
Not only are both the enrolled and disenrolled Chukchansi Indians now suffering financially—the latter far more harshly than the former—but so are the bondholders and various other stakeholders—with the singular exception of the lawyers. Indeed, “the casino closure has significantly affected Madera County’s economy and the nearby communities.” In short, disenrollment bankrupts.
Second, disenrollment seems to attract entrepreneurs of chaos: investors, lawyers, and consultants willing to do business with regimes that terminate their own members for profit. Self-styled “enrollment auditors” will examine a Tribe’s membership records, for a price. Ask the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, which expended $900,000 for an enrollment audit and in turn put over 300 members on the disenrollment chopping block.
Learn More on Disenrollment, Ethnic Cleansing in Indian Gaming Country at these Links:
Gaming Revenue Blamed for Disenrollment
disenrollment is paper Genocide
CA Tribal Cleansing
Tribal terrorism
TRIBAL TERRORISM includes Banishment
Nooksack Disenrollment
First, disenrollment harms existing businesses. In Washington, a small faction of the Nooksack Tribe has unsuccessfully tried to disenroll a group of members known as the “Nooksack 306,” since late 2012. The nearly three years of upheaval has brought the Nooksack government’s operations to a screeching halt, and impaired all of the Tribe’s businesses.
In 2013, the faction fired dozens of disenrollees who, over the last decade, had helped build the Tribe’s two casinos and keep Nooksack gaming operations in the black. Within months, the Nooksack Tribal Chairman announced that the Nooksack River Casino might close because of a judgment against the casino of more than $20 million for unpaid debt. As reported by the Bellingham Herald, “the tribal council was too preoccupied with a controversial effort to disenroll hundreds of tribal members” to properly run the Tribe or its enterprises.
The Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians, which “has been disenrolling members for decades” for sake of larger Indian gaming revenue per-capita distributions to remaining tribal members, is in the same financial purgatory. Last year a federal judge shuttered its once lucrative casino, causing a catastrophic default on the Tribe’s $250 million bond issuance through Wells Fargo Bank.
Not only are both the enrolled and disenrolled Chukchansi Indians now suffering financially—the latter far more harshly than the former—but so are the bondholders and various other stakeholders—with the singular exception of the lawyers. Indeed, “the casino closure has significantly affected Madera County’s economy and the nearby communities.” In short, disenrollment bankrupts.
Second, disenrollment seems to attract entrepreneurs of chaos: investors, lawyers, and consultants willing to do business with regimes that terminate their own members for profit. Self-styled “enrollment auditors” will examine a Tribe’s membership records, for a price. Ask the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, which expended $900,000 for an enrollment audit and in turn put over 300 members on the disenrollment chopping block.
Learn More on Disenrollment, Ethnic Cleansing in Indian Gaming Country at these Links:
Gaming Revenue Blamed for Disenrollment
disenrollment is paper Genocide
CA Tribal Cleansing
Tribal terrorism
TRIBAL TERRORISM includes Banishment
Nooksack Disenrollment
Sen. Dianne Feinstein to Investigate Bureau of Indian Affairs Actions in the San Pasqual Matter
Excellent news! Sen. Dianne Feinstein will investigate the issues that the San Pasqual Descendants have had with the B.I.A. and their continued obfuscation and delays in their FOIA responses. We wrote previously wondering if California BIA Director Amy Dutschke should be RECUSED in the San Pasqual issue as it seems she'd be judging herself.
Now, Sen. Feinstein has committed her team into looking into the issues. Cover up? or Incompetence?
Thank YOU, Senator Feinstein, for doing what Senator Barrasso won't do. Let's get the BIA doing their jobs and following the LAW.
Remember, the BIA has been sued for FAILURE in it's trust responsibility at the Pala Reservation.
Sen. Feinstein's staff should read this article about Amy Dutschke and how she operates. Let's not let this federal department continue to withhold justice.
Now, Sen. Feinstein has committed her team into looking into the issues. Cover up? or Incompetence?
Thank YOU, Senator Feinstein, for doing what Senator Barrasso won't do. Let's get the BIA doing their jobs and following the LAW.
Remember, the BIA has been sued for FAILURE in it's trust responsibility at the Pala Reservation.
Sen. Feinstein's staff should read this article about Amy Dutschke and how she operates. Let's not let this federal department continue to withhold justice.
Friday, December 11, 2015
NOOKSACK RIVER CASINO is CLOSED. Tribe Concentrated on Disenrollment, Not Good Business Practices
The Nooksack Tribe's HATRED has caused some economic repercussions. Word came down that the NOOKSACK RIVER CASINO has closed. A phone call confirmed they would NOT be open today. This will be a terrible Christmas for so many employees and their families.
How is it that the tribe could spend millions trying to screw their own members out of their rightful place in the tribe, led by ADOPTED member Kelly, and let their core business falter. That lawyer money could have been spent for advertising, updating their casino and cash flow...
Will the TRIBE continue to suffer under the leadership of BOB KELLY?
How is it that the tribe could spend millions trying to screw their own members out of their rightful place in the tribe, led by ADOPTED member Kelly, and let their core business falter. That lawyer money could have been spent for advertising, updating their casino and cash flow...
Will the TRIBE continue to suffer under the leadership of BOB KELLY?
Thursday, December 10, 2015
SEE YA....thanks for NOTHING.
U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell today announced that Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin K. Washburn, after more than three years of leadership, will conclude his service to the Department and will return to the faculty of the University of New Mexico School of Law in January. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Lawrence “Larry” Roberts will lead Indian Affairs for the remainder of the Obama Administration.
Washburn Can't be Serious Part ONE
Washburn Can't be SERIOUS Part TWO
Washburn Can't be SERIOUS Part Three
Washburn Can't be Serious Part FOUR
Following Washburn’s departure, Roberts will serve as Acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs in January. Roberts is a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and has served in leadership at Interior since 2012. He previously served as General Counsel of the National Indian Gaming Commission.
Particularly meaningful to Washburn, the Department, under his guidance, has energetically executed the President’s strategy to restore tribal homelands. Shortly after he took office, Washburn improved federal land-into-trust policy with the so-called “Patchak Patch” regulatory fix and helped reverse longstanding policy against federal trust lands in Alaska. He also worked to implement the HEARTH Act, minimize state taxation of business activity on Indian reservations and helped establish the Land Buy Back Program which, in only two years of active land purchases, has invested nearly $730 million in Indian Country to restore nearly 1.5 million acres of land to Indian tribes.
Washburn is the longest serving Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs since Ada Deer, who served from 1993 to 1997. Washburn succeeded Larry Echohawk who served nearly three years from May of 2009 through April of 2012.
U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell today announced that Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin K. Washburn, after more than three years of leadership, will conclude his service to the Department and will return to the faculty of the University of New Mexico School of Law in January. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Lawrence “Larry” Roberts will lead Indian Affairs for the remainder of the Obama Administration.
Washburn Can't be Serious Part ONE
Washburn Can't be SERIOUS Part TWO
Washburn Can't be SERIOUS Part Three
Washburn Can't be Serious Part FOUR
Following Washburn’s departure, Roberts will serve as Acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs in January. Roberts is a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and has served in leadership at Interior since 2012. He previously served as General Counsel of the National Indian Gaming Commission.
Particularly meaningful to Washburn, the Department, under his guidance, has energetically executed the President’s strategy to restore tribal homelands. Shortly after he took office, Washburn improved federal land-into-trust policy with the so-called “Patchak Patch” regulatory fix and helped reverse longstanding policy against federal trust lands in Alaska. He also worked to implement the HEARTH Act, minimize state taxation of business activity on Indian reservations and helped establish the Land Buy Back Program which, in only two years of active land purchases, has invested nearly $730 million in Indian Country to restore nearly 1.5 million acres of land to Indian tribes.
Washburn is the longest serving Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs since Ada Deer, who served from 1993 to 1997. Washburn succeeded Larry Echohawk who served nearly three years from May of 2009 through April of 2012.
9th Circuit: Shingle Springs Miwok Man Prevails over Red Hawk Casino Tribe
Caught up in the holidays, we missed this stunning victory by Cesar Caballero in his fight for justice with the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok
The district court previously granted summary judgment to the Tribe on those claims that Caballero infringed on their trademarks and permanently enjoined Caballero from using the marks in any way. On appeal, the 9th Circuit DISAGREES. The TRIBE did NOT meet the burden. A great example of NEVER GIVING UP...
There is no evidence in the record — not even in Caballero’s brief exchange with the Tribe’s
counsel at his deposition — that Caballero intended to profit by using the domain names involving the Tribal Marks or the domain names involving the Red Hawk Casino Mark, either in the traditional sense or as exerting pressure on the Tribe to gain an advantage in a business dispute. The Tribe therefore has failed to provide sufficient evidence on this statutory element of its claims for cybersquatting.3
Whether the parties may be permitted to supplement the record and filea dditional motions for summary judgment, as to both the trademark and cybersquatting claims, are matters that we leave to the district court’s discretion on remand.
See the court case here: Shingle Springs Band of MIWOK vs. Cesar Caballero
Attorney Gabe Galanda has a paper out on the ethics and lack thereof of Tribes, and tribal lawyers and disenrolling for dollars
The result of the NIGC’s de facto deregulation of Indian gaming per capitas is a belief among some tribal “leaders”—aided and abetted by certain tribal lawyers—that they have cart blanche to decide “who’s in” and “who’s out” for purposes of those per caps; or, even worse, to convert tribal memberships into profits for those who remain in the tribe.
His conclusion:
The legal and ethical violations discussed above threaten Indian gaming at large. Recall that in 2006, Senator John McCain proposed an amendment to IGRA that would have required federal oversight of a “reasonable method of providing for the general welfare of the Indian tribe and the members of the Indian tribes.”
While tribes were rightly outraged by Senator McCain’s proposed encroachment upon Indian sovereignty, tribes were also put on notice that federal decision-makers will act upon the improper use of tribal per capita dollars.
It is time for the NIGC to once again regulate gaming per capita distributions and enforce related IGRA and RAP violations.
Indian Country must also do its part to curtail per capita abuses by, inter alia, regulating lawyer behavior.
The result of the NIGC’s de facto deregulation of Indian gaming per capitas is a belief among some tribal “leaders”—aided and abetted by certain tribal lawyers—that they have cart blanche to decide “who’s in” and “who’s out” for purposes of those per caps; or, even worse, to convert tribal memberships into profits for those who remain in the tribe.
His conclusion:
The legal and ethical violations discussed above threaten Indian gaming at large. Recall that in 2006, Senator John McCain proposed an amendment to IGRA that would have required federal oversight of a “reasonable method of providing for the general welfare of the Indian tribe and the members of the Indian tribes.”
While tribes were rightly outraged by Senator McCain’s proposed encroachment upon Indian sovereignty, tribes were also put on notice that federal decision-makers will act upon the improper use of tribal per capita dollars.
It is time for the NIGC to once again regulate gaming per capita distributions and enforce related IGRA and RAP violations.
Indian Country must also do its part to curtail per capita abuses by, inter alia, regulating lawyer behavior.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Former San Manuel Chairman James Ramos Stands in STARK Contrast to Tribal Leaders Like Macarro of Pechanga and Smith of Pala
Watching this morning's news conference led by San Bernardino County Supervisors' chairman James Ramos, who was the former chairman of the San Manuel Band of Serrano Indians, showed marked contrasts in leadership.

While we get a view of corruption, cronyism and abuse from Mark Macarro and Robert Smith, Chairman Ramos showed compassion, leadership and competency in guiding this news conference as San Bernardino County reopens its facilities after last week's shootings by Islamic extremist terrorists.
Today, as we open back up, I think we all know the challenges,” Ramos said. “We’re here for our employees. We’re here for our directors. We’re here for our safety.”
Under the tightened security protocols at county buildings, some security guards who had previously been allowed only to observe and report incidents are now authorized to carry firearms and "engage and detain" assailants, James Ramos, chairman of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, said.
Thank you Mr. Chairman, for your leadership, and your focus. May the corrupt leaders in California's Indian Country learn from your example.
While we get a view of corruption, cronyism and abuse from Mark Macarro and Robert Smith, Chairman Ramos showed compassion, leadership and competency in guiding this news conference as San Bernardino County reopens its facilities after last week's shootings by Islamic extremist terrorists.
Today, as we open back up, I think we all know the challenges,” Ramos said. “We’re here for our employees. We’re here for our directors. We’re here for our safety.”
Under the tightened security protocols at county buildings, some security guards who had previously been allowed only to observe and report incidents are now authorized to carry firearms and "engage and detain" assailants, James Ramos, chairman of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, said.
Thank you Mr. Chairman, for your leadership, and your focus. May the corrupt leaders in California's Indian Country learn from your example.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Terror Attack by Radical Islam in San Bernardino. Is ISLAM to BLAME, or the NRA?
I stray a bit from the course of this blog, to put my thoughts out there in light of the murders perpetrated by radical Islamist extremists. My, wonder why it's taking so long for our government to call it what it is. RADICAL ISLAM MURDERS
At this point, I'm not aware of any of my friends who were there, but our daughter had a friend of a friend who was IN THE conference room. My daughter works only a mile or so away, so well within the flight range of the bullets.
THIS WAS RADICAL ISLAM, people. No matter if the male shooter, Sayed Farook was a U.S. citizen. He was radicalized, and IN CONTACT with radical Islamists. Something we KNEW about, yet took no action? Really? What were we waiting for? Wonder if they were on Dianne Feinstein's NO FLY LIST?
President Obama is subdued today, not calling out the shooters as radical Islamist extremists, still trying to push on "workplace violence". WHY CAN'T IT BE BOTH? A perfect place to kill a number of people who may have said "mean things" or some other perceived slight like calling the party a "Christmas" Party. Although, this radical Islamist extremist AND HIS WIFE, killed people who THREW them a baby maybe they hated the presents? The wife DID NOT work for the county, so HOW could it still be workplace violence?
It's also rather convenient that Obama, when talking about "sensible gun laws" NEVER mentions the ILLEGAL guns he sold to Mexico that killed HUNDREDS of Mexican citizens. THOUSANDS of AK's to drug cartels... should we call him the GUNRUNNER PRESIDENT?
Notice how the left blamed the NRA right away? But they wouldn't think of going after radical Islam? They blamed the NRA and our second amendment rights for the guy who shot people at the Colorado Planned Parenthood baby killing factory. In fact, they BLAMED those who TALKED about the baby selling videos...but not the, you know ACTUAL baby parts sellers for driving a crazed person to the shooting.
NO, not every Muslim is radical. But does that mean we shouldn't call out radical Muslims? WHY, because they might kill us? Political correctness LED TO THIS KILLING, as neighbors noticed the recent gathering of Middle Eastern men at this Redlands location. But didn't want to "racial profile" or rather.. BE ACCUSED of racial profiling.
EVIL is evil and we need to be vigilant. And we need to be HONEST. This killing was inspired by RADICAL ISLAM EXTREMISTS.....don't let other's tell you differently. And don't let leftist tell you it was CLIMATE CHANGE...
At this point, I'm not aware of any of my friends who were there, but our daughter had a friend of a friend who was IN THE conference room. My daughter works only a mile or so away, so well within the flight range of the bullets.
THIS WAS RADICAL ISLAM, people. No matter if the male shooter, Sayed Farook was a U.S. citizen. He was radicalized, and IN CONTACT with radical Islamists. Something we KNEW about, yet took no action? Really? What were we waiting for? Wonder if they were on Dianne Feinstein's NO FLY LIST?
President Obama is subdued today, not calling out the shooters as radical Islamist extremists, still trying to push on "workplace violence". WHY CAN'T IT BE BOTH? A perfect place to kill a number of people who may have said "mean things" or some other perceived slight like calling the party a "Christmas" Party. Although, this radical Islamist extremist AND HIS WIFE, killed people who THREW them a baby maybe they hated the presents? The wife DID NOT work for the county, so HOW could it still be workplace violence?
It's also rather convenient that Obama, when talking about "sensible gun laws" NEVER mentions the ILLEGAL guns he sold to Mexico that killed HUNDREDS of Mexican citizens. THOUSANDS of AK's to drug cartels... should we call him the GUNRUNNER PRESIDENT?
Notice how the left blamed the NRA right away? But they wouldn't think of going after radical Islam? They blamed the NRA and our second amendment rights for the guy who shot people at the Colorado Planned Parenthood baby killing factory. In fact, they BLAMED those who TALKED about the baby selling videos...but not the, you know ACTUAL baby parts sellers for driving a crazed person to the shooting.
NO, not every Muslim is radical. But does that mean we shouldn't call out radical Muslims? WHY, because they might kill us? Political correctness LED TO THIS KILLING, as neighbors noticed the recent gathering of Middle Eastern men at this Redlands location. But didn't want to "racial profile" or rather.. BE ACCUSED of racial profiling.
EVIL is evil and we need to be vigilant. And we need to be HONEST. This killing was inspired by RADICAL ISLAM EXTREMISTS.....don't let other's tell you differently. And don't let leftist tell you it was CLIMATE CHANGE...
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Nooksack Tribal Council Meeting: Anatomy of A Dictator, Bob Kelly Style
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Nooksack Tribal Chair Bob Kelly |
I went to the Nooksack Tribal Council meeting and left feeling quite low---and morally clobbered.
Then I realized we did not lose at all. Truth and justice can not prevail in a lawless system. The open nature of the meeting was a deception, and Kelly arbitrarily decided who could speak, and on what terms.(his terms) The terms were not fair , and he applied different standards and procedures to different members.
The Chairmen opened the floor and asked for questions of the membership, and he then recognized Sat's right to speak. Kelly did not like what Saturnino was saying, and he declared the floor closed. He then told Sat he was being disruptive, and then he kicked him out.
One can not win when the rules our constantly being broken and changed mid stream. Chairmen Kelly used his position as meeting facilitator to silence any independent views ,under threat of police escorted expulsion.
Sat, I am proud of you. You stood and spoke your heart respectfully. The fact that he expelled you only proves his rule is based on banana republic thuggery.
Chairmen Kelly did not win, he cheated. He did not let us speak because his positions are not defensible in the light of day.Sat and I were nothing but respectful , and Kelly was rude and condescending to both of us.
Carmen you are awesome , and I love you. You stood and did what you thought was right and fought for the kids. You did not achieve the outcome you desired , but you shall always have the peoples respect for your hard work, dedication, and pursuit of justice.
To the people of Nooksack, we love you all. We pray that we shall all come together and meet at the table of brotherhood and unity. It is all of our hopes that we can come together and end this madness. To the people of Nooksack, I asked you all to say a prayer for all of us, because their can be no winners in this cultural genocide.
We say that the children are our future, if this is true than what kind of leadership skills are we teaching them. We should not be teaching them to hate, and to discriminate against family. If we do not teach them honesty and integrity then what kind of future leaders can we hope for?
I go away from this meeting a little dis-heartened, however, I am a believer in the goodness of the Nooksack people. Tomorrow will be a better day and I hope and pray that all Nooksack people will come and stand together as one people.
I am not hating on anyone. I love the council and everyone equally, but I just had to share my feelings in a good way.
Friday, November 27, 2015
The Dark Side of Tribal Sovereignty: NO RIGHTS to GAY Marriage
This issue is gaining some notoriety. Tribal sovereignty harms whoever the tribes want to harm, be it gays, disenrolled and people who speak out:
Cleo Pablo married her longtime partner when gay weddings became legal in Arizona and looked forward to the day when her wife and their children could move into her home in the small Native American community outside Phoenix where she grew up.
That day never came. The Ak-Chin Indian Community doesn't recognize same-sex marriages and has a law that prohibits unmarried couples from living together. So Pablo voluntarily gave up her tribal home and now is suing the tribe in tribal court to have her marriage validated.
"I want equal opportunity," Pablo said. "I want what every married couple has."
Pablo's situation reflects an overlooked story line following the U.S. Supreme Court's historic decision this year that legalized gay marriages nationwide: American Indian reservations are not bound by the decision and many continue to forbid gay marriages and deny insurance and other benefits.
The reasons vary and to some extent depend on cultural recognition of gender identification and roles, and the influence of outside religions, legal experts say. Other issues like high unemployment, alcoholism and suicides on reservations also could be higher on the priority list, said Ann Tweedy, an associate professor at the Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, who has studied tribes' marriage laws.
Advocacy groups largely have stayed away from pushing tribes for change, recognizing that tribes have the inherent right to regulate domestic relations within their boundaries.
"Tribal sovereignty is very important to tribes," Tweedy said. "They don't want to just adopt what the U.S. does."
Pablo follows in the footsteps of a handful of other tribal members in Oregon, Washington state and Michigan who lobbied their governments for marriage equality.
The Navajo Nation is one of a few of the country's 567 federally recognized tribes that have outright bans on gay marriage. Some tribes expressly allow it, while others tie marriage laws to those of states or have gender-neutral laws that typically create confusion for gay couples on whether they can marry.
The mish-mash occurs because tribes are sovereign lands where the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply.
But Pablo argues in her lawsuit that members of the Tribal Council are violating the Ak-Chin constitution by denying her equal protection and due process — rights also guaranteed under the federal Indian Civil Rights Act. Her lawyer, Sonia Martinez, said tribal members could have a persuasive argument against gay-marriage bans if their tribe incorporated federal constitutional rights into tribal laws, which she says is the case on the Ak-Chin reservation.
The Ak-Chin Indian Community wouldn't comment directly on Pablo's lawsuit but said marriage laws are a matter for the tribe to decide, not the U.S. Supreme Court.
"Whether our current law stays the same or needs to change, it must still be addressed in a manner that best promotes and protects the community's sovereignty and right of self-governance, and best reflects the culture, tradition, and morals of the community and all of its members within the confines of our laws," read a statement provided to The Associated Press.
Change for some tribes came easily.
The Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska enacted a marriage statute in March to expand court services. Chief Justice Debra O'Gara said leaders talked more about whether to allow members of the same clan to marry than members of the same sex.
"There was very little controversy over the same gender aspect because everybody believed it should be open," she said. "Whoever our citizens are should have the same rights as everyone else."
Cleo Pablo married her longtime partner when gay weddings became legal in Arizona and looked forward to the day when her wife and their children could move into her home in the small Native American community outside Phoenix where she grew up.
That day never came. The Ak-Chin Indian Community doesn't recognize same-sex marriages and has a law that prohibits unmarried couples from living together. So Pablo voluntarily gave up her tribal home and now is suing the tribe in tribal court to have her marriage validated.
"I want equal opportunity," Pablo said. "I want what every married couple has."
Pablo's situation reflects an overlooked story line following the U.S. Supreme Court's historic decision this year that legalized gay marriages nationwide: American Indian reservations are not bound by the decision and many continue to forbid gay marriages and deny insurance and other benefits.
The reasons vary and to some extent depend on cultural recognition of gender identification and roles, and the influence of outside religions, legal experts say. Other issues like high unemployment, alcoholism and suicides on reservations also could be higher on the priority list, said Ann Tweedy, an associate professor at the Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, who has studied tribes' marriage laws.
Advocacy groups largely have stayed away from pushing tribes for change, recognizing that tribes have the inherent right to regulate domestic relations within their boundaries.
"Tribal sovereignty is very important to tribes," Tweedy said. "They don't want to just adopt what the U.S. does."
Pablo follows in the footsteps of a handful of other tribal members in Oregon, Washington state and Michigan who lobbied their governments for marriage equality.
The Navajo Nation is one of a few of the country's 567 federally recognized tribes that have outright bans on gay marriage. Some tribes expressly allow it, while others tie marriage laws to those of states or have gender-neutral laws that typically create confusion for gay couples on whether they can marry.
The mish-mash occurs because tribes are sovereign lands where the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply.
But Pablo argues in her lawsuit that members of the Tribal Council are violating the Ak-Chin constitution by denying her equal protection and due process — rights also guaranteed under the federal Indian Civil Rights Act. Her lawyer, Sonia Martinez, said tribal members could have a persuasive argument against gay-marriage bans if their tribe incorporated federal constitutional rights into tribal laws, which she says is the case on the Ak-Chin reservation.
The Ak-Chin Indian Community wouldn't comment directly on Pablo's lawsuit but said marriage laws are a matter for the tribe to decide, not the U.S. Supreme Court.
"Whether our current law stays the same or needs to change, it must still be addressed in a manner that best promotes and protects the community's sovereignty and right of self-governance, and best reflects the culture, tradition, and morals of the community and all of its members within the confines of our laws," read a statement provided to The Associated Press.
Change for some tribes came easily.
The Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska enacted a marriage statute in March to expand court services. Chief Justice Debra O'Gara said leaders talked more about whether to allow members of the same clan to marry than members of the same sex.
"There was very little controversy over the same gender aspect because everybody believed it should be open," she said. "Whoever our citizens are should have the same rights as everyone else."
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Pechanga Tribe Elects Convicted FELON Raymond Basquez Jr. to Tribal Council.
Yes, that's how low the tribe has sunk. They have traded a sleaze like Andrew Masiel Jr., for his felon nephew, Raymond Basquez Jr. He's a man who has helped the Riverside Sheriff's SWAT team get well acquainted with the Pechanga Reservation. Over 6 years in FEDERAL PRISON must be the experience needed for the job. Wonder how many people DID NOT vote which allowed this scum to be on the council?
Juxtapose that with when the tribe had a honorable career former police officer Ken Perez on their council.
Raymond Basquez Jr. son of the evil, recently deceased Raymond Basquez Sr., one of those involved in eliminating 25% of the tribe, who can be seen in Pechanga's commercials, long hair, saying he just "wanted to give back" threatened us at a protest march in February 2008.
He drove his shiny Escalade west on Pechanga Parkway, yelling at us, "Get a JOB!" and flipping us off. He sped west and made a quick left to make a u-turn. Aggressive driving in his huge vehicle, we knew he was coming back. A little disconcerting, because we knew he had been on parole. Ray Jr. stopped his Escalade about 7 car lenghts from the limit line, with a green light and GETS OUT of his vehicle. He circles to the back and my brother and I head back to meet him. When he sees my brother coming, he opens his back door (not a good sign in CA) but we advance anyway.
He pulls out....... a Yes on 94-97 STICKER to put on his car! ROFL! He's taunting us: "you're out on the street, man!" Guess he was in women's prison. Raymond Jr. YOU ARE A PUSSY. Pechanga, great job as having Raymond Basquez Jr. as your defender.
And this is the type of honorable man the tribe will be getting: He keeps a huge boat that usually required docking in WATER on the reservation, or that's what he claims
Hmm, might it be a dodge to avoid taxes?
Congratulations Pechanga on getting this guy in with your council. Hope there's a shower near the meeting rooms....
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Democrats Can't Stop TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY ACT from Passing in the House
Proving that Democrats only pay LIP SERVICE to Sovereignty when it comes to protecting UNIONS.
Today, Congress passed the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2015 (249-177 with 24 Democrats joining a majority of Republicans), which rolls back federal agency intervention in tribal affairs in order to restore greater sovereignty to tribes. Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke cosponsored and voted for the measure. The legislation will amend the National Labor Relations Act to affirm that the law does not apply to any business owned and operated by an Indian tribe and located on tribal land, restoring to tribal leaders control over employee-employer relations.
“This is about sovereignty, opportunity and respect,” said Rep. Ryan Zinke. “The federal government already saddles our tribes with burdensome regulations that hamper their ability to achieve the same goals of prosperity and success that we all aspire to. Considering the fact that the NLRB notoriously overreaches in the private sector, imagine what damage they would do to Montana’s tribes. H.R.511 is supported by tribes all across the nation. This bill affirms my strong support for their sovereignty.”
Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act Of 2015:
Prevents the NLRB from exerting jurisdiction over Native American businesses operating on tribal lands by restoring a legal standard in place long before the board’s misguided decision.
Protects the sovereignty of Native American tribes, ensuring they are afforded the same rights and protections enjoyed by state and local governments.
Returns to tribes the ability to govern labor relations in their businesses in a way they determine is best for their workplaces, eliminating legal confusion and uncertainty.
Today, Congress passed the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2015 (249-177 with 24 Democrats joining a majority of Republicans), which rolls back federal agency intervention in tribal affairs in order to restore greater sovereignty to tribes. Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke cosponsored and voted for the measure. The legislation will amend the National Labor Relations Act to affirm that the law does not apply to any business owned and operated by an Indian tribe and located on tribal land, restoring to tribal leaders control over employee-employer relations.
“This is about sovereignty, opportunity and respect,” said Rep. Ryan Zinke. “The federal government already saddles our tribes with burdensome regulations that hamper their ability to achieve the same goals of prosperity and success that we all aspire to. Considering the fact that the NLRB notoriously overreaches in the private sector, imagine what damage they would do to Montana’s tribes. H.R.511 is supported by tribes all across the nation. This bill affirms my strong support for their sovereignty.”
Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act Of 2015:
Prevents the NLRB from exerting jurisdiction over Native American businesses operating on tribal lands by restoring a legal standard in place long before the board’s misguided decision.
Protects the sovereignty of Native American tribes, ensuring they are afforded the same rights and protections enjoyed by state and local governments.
Returns to tribes the ability to govern labor relations in their businesses in a way they determine is best for their workplaces, eliminating legal confusion and uncertainty.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
SURPRISE! Judge Says CA's GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN Negotiated in BAD FAITH with North Fork Rancheria
Saying that Gov. Jerry Brown acted in “bad faith” by ending negotiations, a federal judge has ordered the state to return to talks with North Fork Rancheria officials on a gaming compact for a Madera-area casino that state voters rejected last year.
Voters rejected the gaming compact in Proposition 48 last November by a wide margin, and the governor wrote the tribe in January suggesting that entering into further negotiations “would be futile.”
But in a 23-page ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Anthony W. Ishii said federal law requires the governor to negotiate with the tribe and conclude compact negotiations within 60 days. If both sides can’t reach agreement, the judge will appoint a mediator. The state and the tribe will then have 60 days to present a final offer for the mediator’s selection.
The North Fork tribe argued that under federal Indian gambling law, the power rested in the hands of a federal judge to order the governor back to the table and, if necessary, select a mediator to choose between a state-proposed compact and one from the tribe. The complaint was filed after the governor’s office sent a letter to the tribe’s lawyers declining further negotiations.
“The state does not now contend that any of the (Department of the Interior) secretary’s determinations were incorrect, nor does it articulate a basis for its refusal to negotiate regarding the Madera parcel,” the judge said in requiring the governor to negotiate. (Must mean NFR didn't give Jerry enough money)
The 305-acre casino and hotel site is in federal trust for the tribe. The tribe has no land in its North Fork base for a casino and has spent 11 years working with local, state and federal officials to put the Madera-area land in trust, get the compact approved and build a casino.
Read more here:
Voters rejected the gaming compact in Proposition 48 last November by a wide margin, and the governor wrote the tribe in January suggesting that entering into further negotiations “would be futile.”
But in a 23-page ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Anthony W. Ishii said federal law requires the governor to negotiate with the tribe and conclude compact negotiations within 60 days. If both sides can’t reach agreement, the judge will appoint a mediator. The state and the tribe will then have 60 days to present a final offer for the mediator’s selection.
The North Fork tribe argued that under federal Indian gambling law, the power rested in the hands of a federal judge to order the governor back to the table and, if necessary, select a mediator to choose between a state-proposed compact and one from the tribe. The complaint was filed after the governor’s office sent a letter to the tribe’s lawyers declining further negotiations.
“The state does not now contend that any of the (Department of the Interior) secretary’s determinations were incorrect, nor does it articulate a basis for its refusal to negotiate regarding the Madera parcel,” the judge said in requiring the governor to negotiate. (Must mean NFR didn't give Jerry enough money)
The 305-acre casino and hotel site is in federal trust for the tribe. The tribe has no land in its North Fork base for a casino and has spent 11 years working with local, state and federal officials to put the Madera-area land in trust, get the compact approved and build a casino.
Read more here:
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Pechanga's Buffet of Corruption Served up RAW and Indigestible and Shameful
We aren't talking about the salad bar at Pechanga Resort & Casino. We aren't talking about HOW TO WIN at PECHANGA CASINO
We're talking about the abuses heaped on lineal descendants of Original Pechanga people by Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians Chairman Mark Macarro.
Here's what's on the Pechanga Buffet Menu of Corruption
The Pechanga General Council, the final arbiter of the LAW at Pechanga voted to END all disenrollment. Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro IGNORED the will of the people and disenrolled the Hunter descendants. Threats to the remaining tribal members kept them in line.
As discussed in this article, YES, Pechanga practices apartheid and NO we aren't comparing the level to South Africa, but if you don't call them on it, who is to say it won't get worse?.
Here's what's on the Pechanga Buffet Menu of Corruption
The Pechanga General Council, the final arbiter of the LAW at Pechanga voted to END all disenrollment. Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro IGNORED the will of the people and disenrolled the Hunter descendants. Threats to the remaining tribal members kept them in line.
As discussed in this article, YES, Pechanga practices apartheid and NO we aren't comparing the level to South Africa, but if you don't call them on it, who is to say it won't get worse?.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Disenrollment of Pala Children is CHILD ABUSE, Left UNPROTECTED by The Indian Child Welfare Act..and Kevin Washburn's Bureau of Indian Affairs. has a scathing story on the despicable Pala Band of Mission Indianz and its porcine chairman Robert Smith.
Two children who were disenrolled by the Pala Band of Mission Indians which, disenrolled 162 members cannot be protected by the Indian Child Welfare Act, a California appeal court ruled on Tuesday.
The tribe formally objected in July 2009 when K.P. and Kristopher were put up for adoption. Their mother, Michelle T., is enrolled.
But sometime during the proceedings, the tribe disenrolled the children. As a result, they are no longer considered "Indian," the court determined.
"Under federal and state law, the Indian tribe's membership determination is conclusive," Judge Cynthia Aaron wrote in the unpublished opinion. "The record shows that enrollment is a prerequisite for Pala Band membership, and that the Pala Band determined that K.P. and Kristopher are not members of its tribe."
SO, are tribe's doing the government's "dirty work" in getting rid of Indians? Now, disenrollment means one is NOT Indian..while at the same time, there is NO requirement that you have to be INDIAN to be a tribal member?
Two children who were disenrolled by the Pala Band of Mission Indians which, disenrolled 162 members cannot be protected by the Indian Child Welfare Act, a California appeal court ruled on Tuesday.
The tribe formally objected in July 2009 when K.P. and Kristopher were put up for adoption. Their mother, Michelle T., is enrolled.
But sometime during the proceedings, the tribe disenrolled the children. As a result, they are no longer considered "Indian," the court determined.
"Under federal and state law, the Indian tribe's membership determination is conclusive," Judge Cynthia Aaron wrote in the unpublished opinion. "The record shows that enrollment is a prerequisite for Pala Band membership, and that the Pala Band determined that K.P. and Kristopher are not members of its tribe."
SO, are tribe's doing the government's "dirty work" in getting rid of Indians? Now, disenrollment means one is NOT Indian..while at the same time, there is NO requirement that you have to be INDIAN to be a tribal member?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
BIA Secretary Washburn SUED: Pala Recognition FAILURES of TRUST RESPONSIBILITY
Many wonder HOW some tribes get recognition, or get their recognition changed without have to go through the process that dozens of other tribes have to go through. We've asked the question ourselves, with Pechanga suddenly getting their recognition changed from the original Temecula Band of Mission Indians.
NOW, AS-IA Kevin Washburn is being sued for the BIA's FAILURE of it's trust responsibility to the Agua Caliente Cupeno who are part of the PBMI.
56. In that 1979 list, the BIA listed only the “Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians, Pala Reservation, California” (emphasis added.)
57. As set forth above, the Agua Caliente Cupeño are a distinct tribe from the Pala Luiseno.
58. The BIA’s failure to include the Agua Caliente Cupeño on the list in 1979 was administrative error.
By approving the PBMI Constitution without any of the BIA’s recommended changes, and without any evidence that the BIA’s recommended changes were even presented to the PBMI General Council for a vote, the BIA abdicated and failed in its trust responsibility to the Indians of the PBMI—including the Agua Caliente Cupeño
See the complaint:
NOW, AS-IA Kevin Washburn is being sued for the BIA's FAILURE of it's trust responsibility to the Agua Caliente Cupeno who are part of the PBMI.
56. In that 1979 list, the BIA listed only the “Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians, Pala Reservation, California” (emphasis added.)
57. As set forth above, the Agua Caliente Cupeño are a distinct tribe from the Pala Luiseno.
58. The BIA’s failure to include the Agua Caliente Cupeño on the list in 1979 was administrative error.
By approving the PBMI Constitution without any of the BIA’s recommended changes, and without any evidence that the BIA’s recommended changes were even presented to the PBMI General Council for a vote, the BIA abdicated and failed in its trust responsibility to the Indians of the PBMI—including the Agua Caliente Cupeño
See the complaint:
Monday, November 9, 2015
Is the Influence of Pechanga's Crime Family Waning? Leivas Descendants Seem to Be Losing Their Grip.
With word coming from the Pechanga Rez that Ronnie "I'm on Megan's List" Rivera has been fired from the Pechanga Tribal Rangers, it makes us wonder if the Francisca Leivas Descendants Crime Family is losing its influence on the Pechanga Tribal operations.
Tribal members have always wondered if Masiel-Basquez were TRUE PECHANGA PEOPLE? and why did the tribal council allow them to skirt tribal laws, attain council status and thumb their noses at tribal authority?
It seems that Rivera was placed into a position where he could keep an eye ALL Pechanga members and reservation residents movements through his dispatch position. Dispatch? Well, then one has to wonder why this Megan's Law felon was hanging around the reservation's school? This asshat was one of the rangers that pulled Hunter descendants from the Pechanga Reservation School . Then word comes that this guy mooned some people at the Pechanga RV resort, and was fired. This is not the first time he was fired, but will it be his last?
With the recent death of the despicable Raymond Basquez Sr., his uncle, and his relative, Andrew Masiel Sr. no longer on the council, his cousin, Jennie Miranda kicked out of the reservation and only Ray Basquez Jr. running for a seat on the council...there may be nobody to help him.
Does Macarro want to risk his political capital..or rather, his WIFE's political aspirations (re Hillary Clinton advisor) on a guy like Rivera, or to support a felon on his council? I'd think not, but then a hundred of us thought Macarro would do the right thing by the Hunters and Manuela Miranda descendants.
It's time for the Pechanga people to start standing up. Get an accounting of what the council is doing...
Tribal members have always wondered if Masiel-Basquez were TRUE PECHANGA PEOPLE? and why did the tribal council allow them to skirt tribal laws, attain council status and thumb their noses at tribal authority?
It seems that Rivera was placed into a position where he could keep an eye ALL Pechanga members and reservation residents movements through his dispatch position. Dispatch? Well, then one has to wonder why this Megan's Law felon was hanging around the reservation's school? This asshat was one of the rangers that pulled Hunter descendants from the Pechanga Reservation School . Then word comes that this guy mooned some people at the Pechanga RV resort, and was fired. This is not the first time he was fired, but will it be his last?
With the recent death of the despicable Raymond Basquez Sr., his uncle, and his relative, Andrew Masiel Sr. no longer on the council, his cousin, Jennie Miranda kicked out of the reservation and only Ray Basquez Jr. running for a seat on the council...there may be nobody to help him.
Does Macarro want to risk his political capital..or rather, his WIFE's political aspirations (re Hillary Clinton advisor) on a guy like Rivera, or to support a felon on his council? I'd think not, but then a hundred of us thought Macarro would do the right thing by the Hunters and Manuela Miranda descendants.
It's time for the Pechanga people to start standing up. Get an accounting of what the council is doing...
Pala Executive Council Plans Meeting For Veteran's Day, to Keep Voter's to a Minimum?
Our friends from have some interesting questions for the Pala Band of Mission Indians Executive Council. On the VETERAN'S Day meeting agenda...a contract for Sara Dutschke, niece of BIA Director Amy Dutschke. Remember when Sara sent a letter purporting to act for the Pala Band? Well, NOW, they are looking at hiring her.
From Pala Watch:
Here are some questions and issues that should be raised:
First off the meeting is being held on Veteran's Day. Robert has always disrepected Veterans as well as elders. This meeting should be canceled.
Where is Howard Dickstein's Contract? Why is he not on the list? Kilma said Howard was getting 5% of the casino revenue each month. Who approved that?
How many contacts did Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo really have? First she was hired as an individual, then through Karshmer and Associates, and now through Dentons US LLP.
We all know Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo was hired to help disenroll the Brittains. Why should the tribe pay for an attorney who hurts its own membership.
Who gets to approve Sara's contract? Her Aunt who happens to be BIA Pacific Regional Director Amy Dutschke?
From Pala Watch:
Here are some questions and issues that should be raised:
First off the meeting is being held on Veteran's Day. Robert has always disrepected Veterans as well as elders. This meeting should be canceled.
Where is Howard Dickstein's Contract? Why is he not on the list? Kilma said Howard was getting 5% of the casino revenue each month. Who approved that?
How many contacts did Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo really have? First she was hired as an individual, then through Karshmer and Associates, and now through Dentons US LLP.
We all know Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo was hired to help disenroll the Brittains. Why should the tribe pay for an attorney who hurts its own membership.
Who gets to approve Sara's contract? Her Aunt who happens to be BIA Pacific Regional Director Amy Dutschke?
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Evil Elder of Pechanga, Raymond Basquez Sr. IS DEAD.
Word from the Pechanga Reservation in Temecula is that Raymond Basquez Sr. elder of the Francisca Leivas Crime Family, IS DEAD. The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians postponed the election scheduled for today, where Basquez's son, the FELON Raymond Basquez Jr. was running to replace Andrew Masiel Sr.
Basquez had been fighting cancer, which helped to provide a long, lingering painful death, similar to his sister Irehne Scearse, which makes us wonder if that was the creator's plan for them, after what they have done to the tribe via disenrollment and their blatant thefts from the tribe and native people. While taking no pleasure in the loss of life, I can offer no respect for this man either, after what he's done to our families. I can only hope OUR ancestors can rest a bit more peacefully, knowing that this man who disrespected their heritage and harmed their descendants, is gone.
There are many questions as to whether the senior Basquez's family Are TRUE PECHANGA PEOPLE? Many believe that they couldn't trace their ancestry to an original Pechanga person, we've written about that before.
Sad to speak ill of the dead, but his man deserves NO respect from those of us who he and his family harmed. There no word on how the death will affect the dealer's school lawsuit currently pending on Basquez and his wife. Except we're pretty sure that a non-member will get no support from the tribe, as Basquez would have....
Basquez had been fighting cancer, which helped to provide a long, lingering painful death, similar to his sister Irehne Scearse, which makes us wonder if that was the creator's plan for them, after what they have done to the tribe via disenrollment and their blatant thefts from the tribe and native people. While taking no pleasure in the loss of life, I can offer no respect for this man either, after what he's done to our families. I can only hope OUR ancestors can rest a bit more peacefully, knowing that this man who disrespected their heritage and harmed their descendants, is gone.
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Raymond Basquez Sr. Led CPP to Push for Disenrollment of TWO large Pechanga Family to Steal Per Capita monies. |
There are many questions as to whether the senior Basquez's family Are TRUE PECHANGA PEOPLE? Many believe that they couldn't trace their ancestry to an original Pechanga person, we've written about that before.
Sad to speak ill of the dead, but his man deserves NO respect from those of us who he and his family harmed. There no word on how the death will affect the dealer's school lawsuit currently pending on Basquez and his wife. Except we're pretty sure that a non-member will get no support from the tribe, as Basquez would have....
UPDATE: NCAI Elects Convicted Felon From Redding Rancheria As Pacific Region VP
Yes, in another example of "jumping the shark", the National Congress of American Indians has elected Jack Potter, current chairman of Redding Rancheria, a well known disenrollment tribe as their VP for the Pacific Region.
Is it any wonder there is NO concern for American Indians that have been stripped of their citizenship on this week's agenda? Heck no, wouldn't want to embarrass some tribes by pointing out their civil and human rights violations, right? Not when there's still the Redskin nickname to worry about.
Rehabilitation is a good thing. Congratulations on Mr. Potter's becoming a Vice President. Next thing you know, the NCAI will have Mark Macarro introduce Brian Cladoosby for re-election.. what? They did?
UPDATE: My good friend and respected elder from Chukchansi, Cathy Cory has a MUCH different, and reasoned take on the issue in the comment section:
So much both hurts my heart. Blessings to Mr. Potter for turning his life around--people can, and do, change every day. I'm certain that his journey has provided much inspiration for young people who have perhaps started down a destructive paths, and other adults who need hope to follow the good Red Road. That said, Jack Potter has felt the destructive forces that tear our Indian People apart, and has survived. He now is in a position, not only with NCAI but with his own tribe, to truly help other Indian People and make things right. Many know the story of the Foremans from Redding Rancheria, the role of Bob Foreman in re-establishing the tribe, his love for his People, and for others as evidenced not only with his work as Chairman of Redding Rancheria but on the Rural Indian Health Board as well. Do the right thing, Mr. Potter. Bring the Foreman family home to Redding Rancheria--where they belong! Stand up in your position with NCAI as a voice for those disenrolled from their tribes, those who are nonenrolled, and tribes such as the Winnemem Wintu who are attempting to obtain the Federal Recognition they seek and deserve. Be the leader that your journey to a destructive place, and back, has been planned by Creator for a reason. Do what is right, and begin by bringing the family of Bob Foreman home to Redding Rancheria where they belong. A ho'!
Is it any wonder there is NO concern for American Indians that have been stripped of their citizenship on this week's agenda? Heck no, wouldn't want to embarrass some tribes by pointing out their civil and human rights violations, right? Not when there's still the Redskin nickname to worry about.
Rehabilitation is a good thing. Congratulations on Mr. Potter's becoming a Vice President. Next thing you know, the NCAI will have Mark Macarro introduce Brian Cladoosby for re-election.. what? They did?
UPDATE: My good friend and respected elder from Chukchansi, Cathy Cory has a MUCH different, and reasoned take on the issue in the comment section:
So much both hurts my heart. Blessings to Mr. Potter for turning his life around--people can, and do, change every day. I'm certain that his journey has provided much inspiration for young people who have perhaps started down a destructive paths, and other adults who need hope to follow the good Red Road. That said, Jack Potter has felt the destructive forces that tear our Indian People apart, and has survived. He now is in a position, not only with NCAI but with his own tribe, to truly help other Indian People and make things right. Many know the story of the Foremans from Redding Rancheria, the role of Bob Foreman in re-establishing the tribe, his love for his People, and for others as evidenced not only with his work as Chairman of Redding Rancheria but on the Rural Indian Health Board as well. Do the right thing, Mr. Potter. Bring the Foreman family home to Redding Rancheria--where they belong! Stand up in your position with NCAI as a voice for those disenrolled from their tribes, those who are nonenrolled, and tribes such as the Winnemem Wintu who are attempting to obtain the Federal Recognition they seek and deserve. Be the leader that your journey to a destructive place, and back, has been planned by Creator for a reason. Do what is right, and begin by bringing the family of Bob Foreman home to Redding Rancheria where they belong. A ho'!
Friday, November 6, 2015
CUPA Newsletter #6 - Pala's Executive Committee Caused Problems For Tribe
(People Who Sleep In
The Water)
Descendants from
Let us all remember
that the new 1100 acre Pala Indian Reservation was purchased for the evictees
of Warner’s Ranch. This included the Agua Caliente Tribe as well as the
villages of San Felipe and Puerta la Cruz it is these very descendants who are
now the targets of everything from political retaliations, to disenrollment.
And let’s not forget that it was the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that disenrolled 170
of these descendants in 2011 and 2012.
The executive
Committee probably did not understand and expect all the problems that have
been created as a result of THEIR disenrollments of members. Look at all the
issues it has created. Look at the charges being brought against the BIA. Look
at the charges brought against the Executive Committee. Look at all the dirt
that has surfaced that was previously unknown to many.
And let’s also be
clear about these charges against the EC. Do not believe the propaganda being
printed in their Pala Newsletter. These cases are still ongoing, costing the
tribe countless dollars to defend wrongs committed by the EC. The courts have
never decided that the EC is in the right. The EC has not been vindicated in
any way because the disenrollee’s have not had their day in court. The EC HIDES
behind the TRIBE’S sovereignty, abusing it for their own personal protection
and benefit. Again, the facts of these cases have yet to be heard in court
because of the TRIBE’S sovereign immunity.
The EC cannot hide
forever behind the TRIBE’S sovereign immunity. The EC’s repeated violations of
the Articles of Association and the Constitution has led the tribe to the
current situation we all find ourselves. Possibly the most serious is the
people who attend the General Council meetings who are not descendants and
should not be at the meeting, let alone be allowed to vote.
Look at what these
wrongs have brought to the reservation. Do we remember how close knit our
village used to be? Things were never perfect for sure, but there was a common
respect and understanding we had for each other, little if any of which
remains. Relationships built over 30, 40, even 50 years have been stressed to
the limit and sometimes beyond.
It has been
requested that the EC Return things to how they were, fix it, and move on. The
EC has repeatedly rejected these offers. Instead, members are greeting with
such items like those on the current agenda, for the month of November. Doesn’t
their agenda admit they are guilty?
are the glue holding these scams together? Do these lawyers look after the best
interest of the tribe or Rob? WOW! What a long list of attorneys! This is the
first time the membership has been presented with a request to approve these
lawyers’ contracts EVEN THOUGH they have already been getting paid for
supposedly working for the “tribe” for years.
The EC wants the membership to COVER UP for their violations and IGNORE
the years of violations. The EC is even taking their POWER GRAB further, now
requesting TOTAL POWER to approve and sign contracts with lawyer on the Tribe’s
to happen, it could be one of the biggest mistakes the tribe could make. This
meeting should not even happen. This meeting should be CANCELLED!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Raffi Roberts: Tribal Disenrollment Is a Most UN-Tribal Action
19 year old Raffi Roberts, a youth from the Nooksack 306 has written a piece on tribal disenrollment and how it affects many people, by finishing the work of colonialists. The stripping of heritage from the young, via lies and innuendo, and falsified records, is NOT the Native Way. But will it become so? Please, read and share.
Tribal Disenrollment seems, to me, to be the most un-Tribal action to do.
As one of the most neglected and underrepresented minorities in the world, we should be trying our best to preserve our culture, not try to eradicate it for money and power.
In fact, by treating a Tribe like a business is an infuriating insult and goes against everything our culture has taught us. By kicking out members out over nothing substantial but out of material motives is exactly what the Europeans did to the tribes of North America centuries ago.
The dark part of Tribal history should be a lesson of what NOT to do to a culture of proud people rather than a positive model. So it is baffling as to why some Tribal people want to do that to their own Tribe when they chastise early Europeans for doing the same thing they are doing now.
Along with the very small repercussions of being disenrolled like losing a house, losing a job and not be hired because of biased on tribal land, or financial support for ambitious students, the rich culture of Native Americans, that all those Tribal members grew up on, will be considered invalid. Also, it teaches our children to respect everyone - except for CERTAIN families; that is true for both the disenrollers and disenrollees.
Think about this: If the eye-for-an-eye mentality keeps chugging along then more and more tribes will be influenced to kick people out of their own tribes until there's only a scarce amount of "official Natives." It is a dangerous precedent that will lead to the elimination of Native Americans and their history. They would be finishing the Imperialist genocide the early Europeans set out to do. And classrooms in the future will be occupied by some Native American blood but the lecture will be about how politics chose who and who isn't Native American, not actual blood lineage.
And the federal government is fine with this. When there are biased Tribal members breaking laws within sovereign land, the US government will turn a blind eye and say "well, that's their problem." They try to overstep into our jurisdiction so many times, but when it is something like this, all of a sudden, it's not their job.
But to the Tribal people, in any Tribe, trying to kick real Native blood out of a Tribe, when your kids ask why some Tribal people and their kids are being kicked to the curb, don't make childish excuses like "they're not really Native", just have the most minute shred of respect and say "I just don't like that family" or cut off any sort of personal or ethical attachment to the issue and simply and smugly state "It's just business."
Tribal Disenrollment seems, to me, to be the most un-Tribal action to do.
As one of the most neglected and underrepresented minorities in the world, we should be trying our best to preserve our culture, not try to eradicate it for money and power.
In fact, by treating a Tribe like a business is an infuriating insult and goes against everything our culture has taught us. By kicking out members out over nothing substantial but out of material motives is exactly what the Europeans did to the tribes of North America centuries ago.
The dark part of Tribal history should be a lesson of what NOT to do to a culture of proud people rather than a positive model. So it is baffling as to why some Tribal people want to do that to their own Tribe when they chastise early Europeans for doing the same thing they are doing now.
Along with the very small repercussions of being disenrolled like losing a house, losing a job and not be hired because of biased on tribal land, or financial support for ambitious students, the rich culture of Native Americans, that all those Tribal members grew up on, will be considered invalid. Also, it teaches our children to respect everyone - except for CERTAIN families; that is true for both the disenrollers and disenrollees.
Think about this: If the eye-for-an-eye mentality keeps chugging along then more and more tribes will be influenced to kick people out of their own tribes until there's only a scarce amount of "official Natives." It is a dangerous precedent that will lead to the elimination of Native Americans and their history. They would be finishing the Imperialist genocide the early Europeans set out to do. And classrooms in the future will be occupied by some Native American blood but the lecture will be about how politics chose who and who isn't Native American, not actual blood lineage.
And the federal government is fine with this. When there are biased Tribal members breaking laws within sovereign land, the US government will turn a blind eye and say "well, that's their problem." They try to overstep into our jurisdiction so many times, but when it is something like this, all of a sudden, it's not their job.
But to the Tribal people, in any Tribe, trying to kick real Native blood out of a Tribe, when your kids ask why some Tribal people and their kids are being kicked to the curb, don't make childish excuses like "they're not really Native", just have the most minute shred of respect and say "I just don't like that family" or cut off any sort of personal or ethical attachment to the issue and simply and smugly state "It's just business."
Monday, November 2, 2015
NOOKSACK 306 Awarded $22,000 From US Department of Interior for VIOLATIONS of FOIA
EXCELLENT NEWS regarding JUSTICE for the NOOKSACK 306 from Galanda Broadman Law Firm:
On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones, of the Western District of
Washington, awarded our clients, Nooksack 306 family leaders and jettisoned
Nooksack Tribal Councilpersons Rudy St. Germain and Michelle Roberts, $22,000
against the U.S. Interior Department for its violations of the Freedom of Information
Hope the DOI's budget can take the hit. Because they are shuffling requests around in CA like 3 card monte...
On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones, of the Western District of
Washington, awarded our clients, Nooksack 306 family leaders and jettisoned
Nooksack Tribal Councilpersons Rudy St. Germain and Michelle Roberts, $22,000
against the U.S. Interior Department for its violations of the Freedom of Information
Hope the DOI's budget can take the hit. Because they are shuffling requests around in CA like 3 card monte...
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Department of Justice WILL Investigate ONE Young Girl's ARREST for Civil Rights Violations, BUT WILL NOT Investigate the BIA: Letter to Attorney Gen. Loretta Lynch and The Civil Rights Department
We have all seen the horrendous video of a young girl's violent arrest in South Carolina, which resulted in the firing of the police officer involved. The FBI and DOJ will be looking into the issue. WHY THEN, does the DOJ REFUSE to look into the violations of over TEN THOUSAND Native American's Civil Rights? Is the priority that which gets news coverage? If so, we must increase our efforts to make news.....
It's time for AG Loretta Lynch to investigate the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For failing to protect the rights of Native Americans, from abuse BY Native Americans. Please fax a letter.
It's time for AG Loretta Lynch to investigate the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For failing to protect the rights of Native Americans, from abuse BY Native Americans. Please fax a letter.
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US Attorney General Loretta Lynch |
The Honorable Loretta Lynch
United States Attorney General
Department of Justice Building
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20530
United States Attorney General
Department of Justice Building
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20530
Fax: (202) 514-0293
Dear Attorney General Loretta Lynch:
I respectfully submit this letter urging the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division to commence a full-scale investigation into the gross civil and human rights violations which have infected Indian Country, including an investigation into wrongdoing or complicity by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Throughout Indian Country, tribal officials have taken actions which have denied and/or stripped ten thousand individual Indians of their citizenship rights and privileges as tribal members and denied them access to federal benefits and programs in the areas of housing, education, health, voting and public works assistance. Your predecessor was disturbingly quiet when asked for help.
Dear Attorney General Loretta Lynch:
I respectfully submit this letter urging the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division to commence a full-scale investigation into the gross civil and human rights violations which have infected Indian Country, including an investigation into wrongdoing or complicity by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Throughout Indian Country, tribal officials have taken actions which have denied and/or stripped ten thousand individual Indians of their citizenship rights and privileges as tribal members and denied them access to federal benefits and programs in the areas of housing, education, health, voting and public works assistance. Your predecessor was disturbingly quiet when asked for help.
The most recent
egregious example is the of the Federated Tribes of Grand Ronde, which just
terminated 85 members, living AND dead from the tribe.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Pechanga Tribe's Incestuous Lobbying Relationship with IETAN and Sen. Dianne Feinstein EXPOSED
INDIANZ.COM has the story of how the lobbying firm IETAN CONSULTING has been working with Sen. Dianne Feinstein to help keep NEW GAMING tribes from opening casino on new trust lands. Pechanga's chairman Mark Macarro's wife HOLLY MACARRO is a principal with IETAN.
The Ietan Consulting lobbying firm has long been at the center of controversy over failed efforts to fix the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carcieri v. Salazar.
Although Indian Country has repeatedly called for a "clean" fix to the decision, Ietan has faced criticism from other Indian lobbyists for seemingly circumventing efforts to secure passage of one. Larry Rosenthal, the firm's non-Indian co-founder, has repeatedly said a clean fix won't succeed on Capitol Hill.
"All of my clients support a clean Carcieri fix,” Rosenthal told Dave Palermo for a story in Global Gaming Magazine, echoing remarks he made a year earlier. “The problem is after four years there hasn’t been a road map on how to get there. Do the math. There simply are not enough vote."
Rosenthal is again confirming suspicions about some of the firm's clients, who are calling themselves the Aboriginal Lands Coalition. They met with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), who is attempting to limit new tribal casinos by amending the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, an effort that has hindered a clean Carcieri fix, Politico reported.
and more:
Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro has repeatedly slammed "reservation shopping" and testified in support of a different Feinstein bill that would have limited another tribe from from expanding its casino on newly acquired trust lands even though the two are separated by hundreds of miles. The Pechanga Band was a top client of Ietan, which counts the chairman's wife, Holly Cook Macarro, as a partner.
In June, Original Pechanga, a blog run by a disenrolled tribal member, calculated that Ietan received $1.2 million from the Pechanga Band from 2010 through 2014. Holly Cook is now helping Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with outreach in Indian Country.
SPOTLIGHTS are the BEST disenfectant.
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Ietan's Holly Macarro and Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro |
The Ietan Consulting lobbying firm has long been at the center of controversy over failed efforts to fix the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carcieri v. Salazar.
Although Indian Country has repeatedly called for a "clean" fix to the decision, Ietan has faced criticism from other Indian lobbyists for seemingly circumventing efforts to secure passage of one. Larry Rosenthal, the firm's non-Indian co-founder, has repeatedly said a clean fix won't succeed on Capitol Hill.
"All of my clients support a clean Carcieri fix,” Rosenthal told Dave Palermo for a story in Global Gaming Magazine, echoing remarks he made a year earlier. “The problem is after four years there hasn’t been a road map on how to get there. Do the math. There simply are not enough vote."
Rosenthal is again confirming suspicions about some of the firm's clients, who are calling themselves the Aboriginal Lands Coalition. They met with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), who is attempting to limit new tribal casinos by amending the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, an effort that has hindered a clean Carcieri fix, Politico reported.
and more:
Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro has repeatedly slammed "reservation shopping" and testified in support of a different Feinstein bill that would have limited another tribe from from expanding its casino on newly acquired trust lands even though the two are separated by hundreds of miles. The Pechanga Band was a top client of Ietan, which counts the chairman's wife, Holly Cook Macarro, as a partner.
In June, Original Pechanga, a blog run by a disenrolled tribal member, calculated that Ietan received $1.2 million from the Pechanga Band from 2010 through 2014. Holly Cook is now helping Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with outreach in Indian Country.
SPOTLIGHTS are the BEST disenfectant.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The Chukchansi tribal council election has been upheld after appeals were filed by four candidates who were not among those who will be seated.
While some on a losing side vow to keep appealing the results, one Chukchansi leader says it is time to move forward so the tribe’s casino in Coarsegold can reopen. It has been closed for more than a year after an armed takeover attempt led authorities to shutter the facility.
The Oct. 3 election favored seven candidates from the Morris Reid faction. Three of those elected were on the federally recognized “interim council” from 2010, which was named by the federal government to oversee council business since earlier this year.
Friday, October 23, 2015
American Indian Physicians Publish a Resolution AGAINST Tribal Disenrollment
First the attorneys came out against tribal disenrollment, then National Congress of American Indians went silent, and voted in the chairman of the disenrolling Redding Rancheria. NOW, The Association of American Indians Physicians have reached THIS CONCLUSION:
Historically, our Native nations were inclusive communities with clear cultural and spiritual identities. We incorporated other individuals and families into our community in order to gain in numbers and function. This openness is evidence of our cultural confidence and generosity that is the hallmark of all Native people. That history is now challenged by decisions to remove longstanding members with kinship bonds tied deeply into other tribal families. This inconsistency cannot be overlooked. Please reconsider your vote of disenrollment and bring your families together. We are convinced it is for the better mental health of your Indian Tribes and Nations and will serve as a distinct and hopeful model for all Indian Nations.
And read more on disenrollment at these links:
Gaming Revenue Blamed for Disenrollment
disenrollment is paper Genocide
CA Tribal Cleansing
Tribal terrorism
TRIBAL TERRORISM includes Banishment
Nooksack Disenrollment
Historically, our Native nations were inclusive communities with clear cultural and spiritual identities. We incorporated other individuals and families into our community in order to gain in numbers and function. This openness is evidence of our cultural confidence and generosity that is the hallmark of all Native people. That history is now challenged by decisions to remove longstanding members with kinship bonds tied deeply into other tribal families. This inconsistency cannot be overlooked. Please reconsider your vote of disenrollment and bring your families together. We are convinced it is for the better mental health of your Indian Tribes and Nations and will serve as a distinct and hopeful model for all Indian Nations.
And read more on disenrollment at these links:
Gaming Revenue Blamed for Disenrollment
disenrollment is paper Genocide
CA Tribal Cleansing
Tribal terrorism
TRIBAL TERRORISM includes Banishment
Nooksack Disenrollment
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Cupa Newsletter: The HISTORY of The Pala Reservation
Cupa News #5
(People Who Sleep in the Water)
This letter newsletter will be about history of the Pala Reservation. Hope the young people become more interested in how Pala became the new home of their grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents.
On April 12, 1895 the Secretary of the Interior approved an allotment roll for the Luiseño Band for a small reservation on the south side of the San Luis Rey River which was about 350 acres. One allottee was Maria Sal, she had four children: Ramona Scott, Adelina Giddens, Albert Golsh and Sebastian Salazar. All their descendants would be members of this reservation. None of these descendants would be from Warner’s Ranch area. How and when did they become enrolled in PBMI?
When the people moved to Pala from the Warner Ranch Area (Kupa, San Felipe and Puerta La Cruz), the Pala Reservation was established for them and covered about 1,100 acres.
These two Bands were separate Bands. The Luiseño band never voted at the Cupa meetings or even attended those meetings. This band was never part of the Kupa, San Felipe, and Puerta La Cruz. Now Robert claims you can’t belong to two reservation/tribes. It seems, in light of Robert’s claims that the Luiseño Band attending and voting at our meetings belong to two different reservations/tribes.
According to our Articles of Association you must be a descendant of those moved from Warner’s to be a member and vote! How many attending our meetings and voting can show that they are a descendant from Warner’s?
Is Robert slowly disenrolling descendants? Slowly kicking them off of the rolls for what reason?
In 1955, in testimony before the California Senate Interim Committee on California Indian Affairs, Robert Ardillo gave the following testimony on behalf of Old Pala:
Monday, October 19, 2015
Does The BIA have to Support FAKE INDIANS to Maintain Its OWN Credibility? Is Supporting FAKES a Feature of the BIA, or a BUG?
We've posted before about fake Indians, from the famous Iron Eyes Cody to the recently exposed academic Andrea Smith also a fake. These masquerades, harm Native people who struggle with their heritage being marginalized. Fakes get news media attention, that attention promotes fakery and it begets more fakery. NOW, we have our own federal government, in the form of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, in the position of supporting fakes, and keeping real Natives from their rightful heritage.
Does the fact that the BIA stands by while Native Americans have their citizenship terminated absolve them of their responsibility to natives? ......... OR is the NEW MOTTO of the BIA:
In the case of the San Pasqual Tribe in San Diego County, a casino tribe, which operates Valley View Casino, it's curious that the BIA is helping the tribal council, most of whom descend from a white man who took over a reservation, keep true blood members OUT of the tribe.
Before you say, hey, the BIA can't get involved, know that the San Pasqual CONSTITUTION, allows them to be involved in membership. That's why the TRIBE went to the BIA to help them get rid of the ALTO family. In that case, a FAKE Indian tribal council got rid of another family...because they weren't INDIAN? Rich isn't it?
And it's NOT like this is an isolated case, but it will be the most egregious. The BIA, as evidence will show, screwed this tribe up SO badly, they don't thing FIXING the situation is the right thing to do. When is doing the right thing....a wrong thing? When it interferes with MONEY coming in?
Does the fact that the BIA stands by while Native Americans have their citizenship terminated absolve them of their responsibility to natives? ......... OR is the NEW MOTTO of the BIA:
In the case of the San Pasqual Tribe in San Diego County, a casino tribe, which operates Valley View Casino, it's curious that the BIA is helping the tribal council, most of whom descend from a white man who took over a reservation, keep true blood members OUT of the tribe.
Before you say, hey, the BIA can't get involved, know that the San Pasqual CONSTITUTION, allows them to be involved in membership. That's why the TRIBE went to the BIA to help them get rid of the ALTO family. In that case, a FAKE Indian tribal council got rid of another family...because they weren't INDIAN? Rich isn't it?
And it's NOT like this is an isolated case, but it will be the most egregious. The BIA, as evidence will show, screwed this tribe up SO badly, they don't thing FIXING the situation is the right thing to do. When is doing the right thing....a wrong thing? When it interferes with MONEY coming in?
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Pala Chairman ROBERT SMITH SUED for Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Hiring BIA Niece's Law Firm
We wrote about this situation last month, in which an attorney, Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo, fired off a nasty cease and desist letter, followed by a reply by attorney Andrew Twietmeyer who asked for her credentials to act in Pala's interests as attorney of record. Crickets chirped, which helped lead to this lawsuit
20: Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that Defendant Smith did
not seek or obtain the approval of the United States Secretary of the Interior to hire and pay Dentons
22) Plaintiff is further informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that most, if not
all of the attorneys fees paid to Dentons and/or DOES 11 through 20 were for legal services that
benefited Defendant Smith's individual interests in exacting retribution on PBMI political rivals;
intimidating would-be political rivals and the PBMI electorate;
23) Indeed, Mr. Pink is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that a substantial
portion of the attorneys fees Defendant Smith caused to be paid to Dentons and/or DOES 11-20
were for legal research, advice, and counsel to Defendant Smith on his retaliatory disenrollment of more that 160 members of the PBMI which disenrollment Defendant Smith purported to justify by brazenly and unilaterally changing a settled historical determination of the Cupeno Indian blood quantum of Margarita Britten (1856-1925).
Denton's attorney is the niece of BIA Director Amy Dutschke.... just sayin'
Here is the lawsuit:
20: Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that Defendant Smith did
not seek or obtain the approval of the United States Secretary of the Interior to hire and pay Dentons
22) Plaintiff is further informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that most, if not
all of the attorneys fees paid to Dentons and/or DOES 11 through 20 were for legal services that
benefited Defendant Smith's individual interests in exacting retribution on PBMI political rivals;
intimidating would-be political rivals and the PBMI electorate;
23) Indeed, Mr. Pink is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that a substantial
portion of the attorneys fees Defendant Smith caused to be paid to Dentons and/or DOES 11-20
were for legal research, advice, and counsel to Defendant Smith on his retaliatory disenrollment of more that 160 members of the PBMI which disenrollment Defendant Smith purported to justify by brazenly and unilaterally changing a settled historical determination of the Cupeno Indian blood quantum of Margarita Britten (1856-1925).
Denton's attorney is the niece of BIA Director Amy Dutschke.... just sayin'
Here is the lawsuit:
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