The meeting went well,” Encinas told eGaming Review. “All issues are resolved and we are now in the process of setting up meetings with legislators to discuss how we move forward.”
Sovereign Immunity Conceals Egregious Civil and Human Rights Abuses
Stripping Your Own People of Their Rights Is an Atrocity That Must Be EXPOSED and Stopped.
TAKE A STAND and Make Your Voice Heard.
Friday, May 30, 2014
CA Lawmakers Ready for Bill by APARTHEID Practicing Tribe: The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians
Dry Creek Rancheria to DEFAULT on BONDS: Do YOU STILL believe Disenrollments WEREN'T about the MONEY?
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Theft of Per Capita Reaches $770 MILLION. $500 MILLION PLUS for Pechanga Alone FOLLOW THE MONEY
OVER three quarters of a BILLION DOLLARS, have been stolen by corrupt tribal councils and their leaders, including Mark Macarro of Pechanga and Robert Smith of Pala and the STOOGES, Reggie Lewis and Nancy Ayala of Chukchansi, among others. Yet, 50 Democrat Senator's are concerned about namecalling?
From the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians in
The Hunter family has lost $2,073,000 per person, in per capita payments alone. We arrived at that figure by taking the last full year of per capita $268,000/12 months and multiplying that loss times 93 months of disenrollment. 95 adults at the time of disenrollment equals: $207,630,500
Reconciling Moral Outrage at Tribes Like Pechanga, Pala, Redding, Paskenta, San Pascual, and Chukchansi, with Self Determination
I hope from what you read here, you do NOT get the impression that we are against tribal gaming. That is not true. The links tell the story of what's happening at Pechanga, Snoqualmie in Washington State and other reservations like Chukchansi and Pala since Indian gaming. Feel free to comment, they are open. And by ALL MEANS share on Twitter and Facebook, please.
Tribal gaming has helped many tribes in CA, come out of poverty, my tribe, the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians included . Many of the Pechanga people are uneducated and I remember they were so excited when they qualified for a Target credit card. Unfortunately, with success, greed soon follows. Instead of helping all their people, including those they placed in a membership moratorium hold, who rightfully belonged to the tribe they looked at who they could get rid of to increase their per capita checks. And, unfortunately, the money hasn't made everyone happy.
But the facts are clear, most tribes have not treated their people as abominably as Pechanga, Redding Rancheria, Picayune Rancheria, Snoqualmie and others have treated their people. In fact it's more like Tribal Terrorism, using fear and threat to keep their voting membership in line. Remember, too, the fewer voters, the easier it is to control
Reconciling MORAL OUTRAGE at Pechanga Tribe with Self Determination
Here is an excellent article by Sheryl Lightfoot about how to support sovereignty issues, while not supporting the actions when they are morally repugnant, such as Pechanga's disenrollment of 25% of their tribe in order to enrich the remaining members.
Sheryl Lightfoot Article
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Apartheid at Pechanga Reservation. Yes, Segregation Too. YES, Senators, it's WORSE than Redskins Nickname
APARTHEID as described by the dictionary is:
2. any system or practice that separates people according to race, caste, etc.
Pechanga is doing just that, determining that families with historical ties to the origins of the reservation are ‘no longer pure’ in their eyes. They may be Temecula Indian, but “they aren’t Pechanga.” Even though the expert hired BY Pechanga using facts in evidence determined that we were.
Here is what Pechanga members who have been stripped of their citizenship in the tribe have lost:
• Lost the right to vote
• Lost their rights to healthcare provided by the Pechanga government.
• Their children can no longer attend tribal schools, in fact some kids were RIPPED from the school by Tribal Rangers.
• They can no longer be buried in the reservation cemetery with their relatives.
• Have no access to tribal facilities
• Are not protected by the Tribal Rangers. Or in some cases FROM the tribal Rangers
Here is a copy of the letter that was presented to those people living on the reservation who are called "non-members" even though most are living on land that was given to their ancestor when the reservation began, roughly 90 years before council member Russell "Butch" Murphy was adopted into the tribe.
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Threatening letter by Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro and the Tribal Council including Adopted Member Russell "Butch" Murphy Click on photo to enlarge |
The threat is very clear: Fine of $5,000 and exclusion from their own property. THAT is APARTHEID, pure and simple. The tribe is trying to force residents who own property OFF the reservation. Remember when they tried to Steal allottee’s water rights? three years ago, and now trying to do the same thing.
Mark Macarro, have you NO shame? Isn't paying your wife to write bills excluding Indians going too far?
Police Chief Says Money Beings Mishandled at Rolling Hills Casino. Paskenta Tribe Risks Shutdown of Casino
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Tribal Disenrollments "Like Being RAPED, and Then Going to the Person that Raped YOU for Justice"
Tribal Disenrollments: "Like Being Raped, and Then Going to the Person that RAPED YOU for Justice"
A news story on tribal disenrollments and moratoriums had the perfect quote as a post title, from Carla Maslin, from the Redding Rancheria of Northern California. 400 Pechanga People know exactly what she means, having been "raped" of their citizenship, benefits and security by Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro, the enrollment committee led by Bobbi LeMere and certain members of the Tribal Council, Russell "Butch" Murphy and Andrew Masiel among them.
From that article:
Letter To 50 Democrat Senators Who Chose The EASY ISSUE Redskins Controversy Over What's REALLY Important in Indian Country.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
50 Democrat Senators Think REDSKINS Nickname is MORE Important than Tribes That Harm Their OWN PEOPLE via Apartheid, Disenrollment and Theft of Per Capita.
REALLY SENATORS? ;You grab the low hanging fruit of a nickname controversy versus those that you have repeatedly ignored?
Sen. Boxer IGNORES the issues of water rights theft by the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians of Temecula CA. ;In fact, she SPONSORED this Apartheid practicing tribe's attempt to steal water from reservation allottees.
Senators, the Chukchansi Tribe of Fresno has eliminated 60% of their tribe, turning of the heat to homes and stripping the citizenship of original language speakers.
Pechanga Tribe Wipes Out The Veterans. Shameful Memorial Days Since 2004
Pechanga Veterans of the Hunter Family
We salute our Pechanga Veterans for your courage, honor and commitment.
Cuevas, Felipe - Army
Cuevas, David - Army
Cuevas, Thomas - Army
Vasquez, Robert - Navy
Harris, William A - Air Force
Saturday, May 24, 2014
What PAIN Tribal DIsenrollment Causes. From a Pechanga Woman
With all this disenrollment going on my Rez in Pechanga I've had many of my people from the tribe and surrounding tribes come and talk and give their support from one Native heart to another. It's amazing you know to see your own people that you were sure you knew through new eyes.
I think the worst part of what I've come to realize from my disenrollment is how few Native people can really see what has been taken from me. It's a shame so many of our people are being blinded by money.But what keeps me going are those of you feel my heartache like your own without me having to say a word.
Thats what I mean when I say Native heart, I've found I can see it in the eyes. Eyes that express emotions shared by Native hearts from a shared pain that runs so deep in our souls we've come to recognize one another by the fire it feeds. I must thank everyone of you who come to me no different then you ever have, and those who come right out and bring it up, or ask how my family is, and most of all, all of you who say "FUCK UM!!" before I ever have too.
PUSHBACK on Last Nights Meeting at Pala, An OPEN LETTER
To all the Disenrolled Tribal Members of Pala Band of Mission Indians,
Now is the time to get band together and place blame of our disenrollment where it really belongs.
If it was not for these two people (King Freeman and Willie Pink) and their personal grudge of over 20 years we would still belong. No I do not support Robert Smith and his wrong doings.
Corpulent Robert Smith Holds Onto Power at PALA. Strips Civil Rights from 11 Members
Word from that Rez is that King Freeman and Willie Pink and the other 9 signatories of the takeover attempt have been stripped of their right to vote and attend meetings.
Dry Creek POMOS Halt Controversial Disenrollments
Sen Barbara Boxer Responds To Constituent's Letter on Pechanga's Theft of Water Rights (Attempted)
We have been writing CA Senator Barbara Boxer for help with the attempted theft of Temecula Indian Reservation allottee water rights. Here the Letter, followed by her thoughtful response on the matter:
Honorable Senator Barbra Boxer
I’m writing to you because of the Pechanga Water bill S 1219 you wrote. You have taken the stands that disenrollment is not your concern no matter how unjust or illegal it is by civil rights or the tribes own constitution.
But now you attack the disenrolled by taking the one thing the tribe can’t take our allottee status our allotment has been handed down in the family since President McKinley signed the deed. Nowhere is there a provision where allottees have to be tribal members but you are now willing to take what little rights I have left to benefit a corrupt tribal government. Pechanga was based on Temecula Valley Indians that became original allottees for member ship of Pechanga.
Cedric Sunray: NCAI Falls into the "SAFE ISSUE" Trap With the Redskins "Controversy"
Friday, May 23, 2014
Every tribal member, please attend tonight's meeting and let your voice be heard. There are about 643 Adult Members. How many live on the reservation? 300? 400? Everyone that can make the meeting should be there.
If you did not attend the first Emergency Meeting either because notices were torn down or you were afraid to participate now is your chance.
The Executive Committee invested $100 million (thats $100,000,000) to form Pala Interactive, an online poker company without General Council approval. Is the General Council really ok with this? That's $155K per voting member.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
PASKENTA Tribal Dispute is Going CYBER: DATA BREACHING Claimed
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Now they have called an EMERGENCY MEETING:
PALA RESERVATION in TURMOIL. Robert Smith's Spokesperson DOUG ELMETS Hasn't Deserted The SINKING SHIP
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Remember this video? WE WERE WARNED!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Very Heavy Police Presence at the Pala Reservation Today in Anticipation of VIOLENCE UPDATE
VERY HEAVY POLICE PRESENCE at PALA Reservation, here's a video, not my choice of terms:
Pechanga Chairman's Cousin ISSUES MORON ALERT for Former SF MAYOR WIllie Brown
MORON ALERT: Former California Lawmaker Flip-Flops On Internet Poker, Joins Adelson's Side TAGS: CaliforniaIndian GamingCalifornia Indian GamingLaw & PoliticsOnline Gaming Online poker players, especially those in California, have a new enemy.
Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco (1996-2004) and previously a California legislator, said last week that he is joining billionaire Las Vegas casino owner Sheldon Adelson in the latter’s quest to stop online gaming in the United States, the Los Angeles Times reported. Brown’s commitment to the Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling is perplexing because of Brown’s previous work to support online poker legalization in the Golden State. Adelson Brown said he is the new national co-chair and California chair of Adelson’s coalition. “There are a multitude of reasons to oppose the expansion of Internet gambling,"
Brown said in an open letter about his flip-flop. “I was once on the wrong side of this issue—speaking for and supporting Internet poker—but I have since learned about some of the tactics used by online gambling companies to lure young people.” There are currently two bills in the California legislature that aim to legalize online poker—and online poker only—within the state’s borders. Both are up for consideration. California lawmakers held a hearing last month on the issue, which featured lots of expert testimony, but no action on either bill was taken. This year is an election year in California, so it’s unlikely either will pass before 2015.
PALA TRIBE Holds Emergency Meeting to SUSPEND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and Chairman Robert Smith UPDATE
From what we gather, it was a good meeting and all items were passed, which would mean that Smith is suspended by vote of the general council.
Here is Robert Smith when asked WHY he didn't show evidence on the family they disenrolled:
Apparently, MR. SOVEREIGNTY himself is going to the BIA!
CHECK OUT PALAWATCH at the link above...
UPDATE: Soon to be former Chairman Smith is being served today, removing him from office.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Paskenta Gaming Commission REVOKES Gaming License of Former Commission Member: $2 MILLION Misappropriated
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Tribal Casino Crimewatch: Nooksack Tribal Member Sentenced in $140,000 embezzlement Scheme
During that time, she used fraudulent checks, food vouchers and gift cards to pay for her groceries and bills, according to the U.S. Attorney's office. The Suquamish Tribe became aware in April 2013 that benefit checks for clients of the welfare department had been altered and cashed. Peleti had taken more than 260 tribal checks, totaling more than $90,000, to cash and use for bills. She also used tribal checks to pay her own Puget Sound Energy bills.
Peleti pleaded guilty in February 2014 and was sentenced Friday, May 9, in U.S. District Court in Seattle.
Tribal leaders who spoke at the sentencing hearing said Peleti's embezzlement meant that some children didn't have that money for food, clothing, sports equipment or Christmas presents. OP: Isn't that a SHAME?? But, then, isn't that EXACTLY WHATS GOING to happen to the children of those who those SAME TRIBAL leaders plan to DISENROLL?
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Rolling Hills Tribal Casino Dispute: Operations CEASED? Time to Just STAY AWAY??
Friday, May 9, 2014
Man Who Stole from THIEVES at Pechanga, Convicted of Stealing from ANOTHER Casino at PAUMA
Monday, May 5, 2014
Cherokee Freedmen Get Their Day in Court, Treaty Rights Violated By Cherokee Nation
Velie claimed it was a great day to stand up to racism. While the Redskins nickname issue get the press, THIS IS RACISM AT ITS WORST.
this case has taken 20 years to get to this point. Let us hope and pray for JUSTICE.
UPDATE: Cherokee Nation press release
Cherokee Nation Attorney General Todd Hembree issued the following statement regarding oral arguments in the freedmen lawsuit, case 1-13-CV-01313. Attorney General Hembree's statement is as follows: "After 11 long years of litigation, the Cherokee Nation is looking forward to having a judge decide the longstanding issue of what rights, if any, the freedmen descendants are granted under the Treaty of 1866.
The Cherokee Nation believes strongly in treaty rights and believes the correct interpretation of the treaty would allow the Cherokee people to determine who is a Cherokee citizen.
The Cherokee people have been a champion for human rights, having experienced cruelty firsthand during our forced removal from our original homelands in the Southeast along the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma. OP: Uh, yeah you jackhole...dragging your SLAVES WITH YOU...AS Property!!! For the Cherokee people, this issue has never been about race. As a sovereign nation, it's always been about Cherokees determining who our citizens ought to be.
Tex McDonald APPOINTED Chairman of Chukchansi. Not Voted in?
Thursday, May 1, 2014
FBI INVESTIGATING PALA Corruption by Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto
Our friends at PALA WATCH have received some letters from the husband of a woman who worked for the Pala Band of Luiseno Indians and was terminated from her job while on FMLA. She and her husband detailed a letter last month and now a second one is up at Pala Watch, we have linked to it here it here:
Check out for MORE.