Sovereign Immunity Conceals Egregious Civil and Human Rights Abuses
Stripping Your Own People of Their Rights Is an Atrocity That Must Be EXPOSED and Stopped.
TAKE A STAND and Make Your Voice Heard.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Online Poker Group Breaks UP Amid Infighting
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Paul Ryan's Budget Won't Cut BIA and IHS Says Rep. Tom Cole
What do you make of the August report by the Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee that said Representative Paul Ryan’s budget would cut $375 million from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and $637 million from the Indian Health Service (IHS)?
They’re trying to make something partisan that’s not partisan. Their numbers are totally fallacious.
These guys don’t have to make up numbers; they can look at real numbers. If they want to know what the Ryan budget means in Indian country, they ought to just look at what the House has done under the Ryan budget in 2011 and 2012, and what it would propose doing in 2013. If they looked at both IHS and BIA, they’d find that in each of those years House Republicans actually appropriated more for both than the Obama administration even requested. This idea that a Ryan budget means cuts in Indian programs is simply not true. We have evidence that while it lowers overall government spending, it also allows us to reprioritize where the money goes.
And on the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior and Environment, where I sit, there’s a bipartisan commitment to increasing funding in Indian country well beyond what the White House has asked for. We have a lot of people on both sides of the aisle who recognize the Indian country has been historically underfunded.
Read more at the link above
Monday, October 22, 2012
Russell Means, Activist for Native American, Moves On at 72
Russell Means spent a lifetime as a modern American Indian warrior. He railed against broken treaties, fought for the return of stolen land and even took up arms against the federal government.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Agua Caliente Tribe Criticizes Mary Bono Mack for Offensive Comments
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. —The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians today issued the
following statement from Tribal Council Chairman Jeff L. Grubbe in response to recent media
reports surrounding the campaign for the 36th congressional district in California:
“The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians has maintained a respectful relationship with all of
our local legislators, including Rep. Mary Bono Mack. The Coachella Valley is home to several
Tribes and a great number of Native Americans, including members of the Agua Caliente.
“For these reasons, we were offended that Rep. Bono Mack described past protests by her
opponent on behalf of Native Americans as ‘radical’ and ‘anti-American.’ This is an outrageous
and unacceptable insult to all Native Americans, including those who live in the district she
represents here in the Coachella Valley.
“We are not endorsing either candidate at this time. However, we call on Rep. Bono Mack to
unequivocally repudiate this attempt to portray standing up for Native Americans as somehow
NOW, if we could get a comment like this from ACBCI on the actions of tribes like PALA and Pechanga that have seriously harmed their own communities, rather than just offending them.
For more information about the Tribe online, please visit And ASK them to stand up for Native Americans that have suffered actual harm.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Cherokee Freedmen Case Heads Back to District Court
Pala Tribe: Okay to DUMP Members, But Not Trash
Tribal leaders oppose the dump because it would be located in an area they consider sacred. Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed Senate Bill 833, which would have prohibited the construction. The construction permit process is underway.
Shasta Gaughen, the tribe’s environmental department director, said the tribe wants to use the rally as a way to educate the public. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Pala Youth Camp, 10779 Pala Road.
“The main message of the rally is that the fight to stop the Gregory Canyon landfill is not over and there are many opportunities coming up for the public to declare their opposition,” Gaughen said.
The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Army Corps of Engineers are expected to release information regarding the permits for public comment over the coming months, Gaughen said. Proponents said the landfill project is well regulated and will create high-paying jobs.
The project is proposed on 308 acres south of Highway 76 and about 3 1/2 miles east of Interstate 15 near Pala. The dump would be 208 acres and is part of 1,700 acres owned by Gregory Canyon Ltd.
SB 833 would have prohibited the construction of a landfill within 1,000 feet of a site considered sacred to a tribe or within 1,000 feet of the San Luis Rey River or an aquifer connected to it.
In explaining his veto, Brown said he was conflicted with the project, but that he did not believe the Legislature should intervene and overturn this local land-use decision.
See for more on Pala's disenrollments.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
New Website: Susan Bradford's Conservative Scoops
Conservative Scoops is that site. PLEASE take a quick look.
If you are conservative, you may like it, if you aren't, you may not. Either way, let her know.
Another Crack in The Tribal Sovereignty Dam: IRS Allowed to See Miccosukee Tribe's Financials
The Internal Revenue Service is allowed to look at a Florida Indian tribe's financial records as part of an investigation into gambling profits, a federal appeals panel ruled Monday.
A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the IRS can subpoena banks for the records, despite the Miccosukee tribe's claims that it is protected by sovereign immunity.
The tribe is based in the Everglades west of Miami. The IRS is investigating whether federal tax withholding and reporting requirements were met for gambling profits distributed to 600 members of the tribe from 2006 to 2009.
The tribe itself does not have to pay taxes under federal law, but it does have to deduct and withhold income taxes from gambling revenues that are paid to tribal members.
The tribe failed to comply with its tax obligations from 2000 to 2005, according to the judges' ruling, which led the IRS to also investigate finances from 2006 to 2009. The tax agency subpoenaed the documents from four different banks because the tribe had refused to hand over the records, the judges said.
Tribal officials also had argued that the records would reveal confidential financial information and force them to change their banking practices to keep money on the reservation. The judges rejected that argument, noting that the Miccosukees gave the information to the banks. That made the records property of the banks, not the tribe, the judges said.
The decision upholds a lower court ruling.
The tribe has previously acknowledged that at least 100 Miccosukee members owe the IRS more than $25 million in back taxes, penalties and interest. The broader investigation likely involves much more money.
The Miccosukees sued their former chairman, Billy Cypress, arguing he stole $26 million in gambling profits for his lavish lifestyle. That lawsuit argues that two former U.S. attorneys conspired with Cypress to hide the theft. All three men deny the allegations.
REMEMBER IRS: Pechanga in Temecula has more mailboxes than people living on the Rez..
Monday, October 15, 2012
Ailing Lehman Brightman, Founder of United Native Americans, Seeks Help After Stroke

and his son, Quanah Parker Brightman, are facing foreclo
“He is not able to walk,” said Quanah.
According to Quanah, his father will not be allowed to leave the rehabilitation center until the financial debt on their home is settled.
“He should be allowed to live his final days among his family at his home,” Quanah said.
A website has been set up to accept donations to help the family save their home which is scheduled to be auctioned off Nov. 9 if the family is unable to make their payments.
“We’ve still got a long way to go,” Quanah said.
The UNA was founded by Lehman in the ’60s and was based out of the San Francisco Bay Area.
“We have always been about peace. We believe in activism through pro-indigenous education,” Quanah said.
Lehman, who is both Muscogee (Creek) and Sioux, grew up in Eufaula and had many athletic accomplishments while attending Oklahoma State University before becoming politically active.
“My father is a very strong willed man; he has been very humble about his accomplishments,” Quanah said.
Quanah says he is working hard to care for Lehman while running the UNA and seeking help for the family’s home.
“The love I have for my father is carried out through actions, not just words. As indigenous people we are taught at a very early age to respect our elders and that’s what I’ve chosen to do,” Quanah said.
Quanah and his father received positive news when their bank gave them an extension to settle their back mortgage payments.
However, according to Quanah, his family is still far from their goal to keep their home from auction next month.
“We still have a long way to go,” he said.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Mitt Romney Answers Questions Concerning Indian Country.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Cousin of Graton Rancheria Chairman Greg Sarris Says, "I'm Not an Indian and Neither is HE"
Robinson Rancheria Chairman Tracey Avila Ordered To Stand Trial for GRAND THEFT
The tribal chair for the Robinson Rancheria Pomo Indians was ordered to stand trial Wednesday for allegedly stealing money and property while working for another county tribe.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Gabriel Iglesias Plays SUN CITY; Or Better Known AS Pechanga, Apartheid Reservation
Here is that letter:
Mr. Gabriel Iglesias
Creative Artist Agency
2000 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
tel: 424-288-2000
fax: 424.288.2900
Dear Mr. Iglesias,
We are writing this letter in the hope that you will cancel your show at the Pechanga Resort and Casino, scheduled for October 6.
I’d like to make you aware of the disgraceful actions that are happening on the Pechanga Reservation. The Pechanga Tribal Council, led by Mark Macarro, has stripped the citizenship 25% of Pechanga Tribal Members, including the descendents of the original chief of the Pechanga Tribe. They most recently disenrolled the Paulina Hunter descendants. Paulina Hunter was an original allotee of Pechanga and her family still resides on the reservation, where apartheid is still practiced, 18 years after it was abolished in South Africa.
I am sure that the decimation of culture, history and beliefs are not within your value system.
Stand with the disenrolled members of Pechanga. There may be a protest during your performance date and we are informing the entertainment press about the request for acts not to perform at Pechanga. We all enjoy your show and performances and would love to watch your show, elsewhere. Please do not do your show at Pechanga. Tell the PDC that you won’t play at a location that violates the civil and human rights of it own people
Thank you for your support. Bill Cosby REFUSED to perform at Chukchansi if Fresno because of that tribe’s disenrollment action
I have included some information with this packette, but your team can check the website Original Pechanga’s Blog at
We received NO responses from the Fluffy Guy. Apparently, doing what is right is not on his agenda. Please call or fax asking Gabriel NOT to perform.