There are some PROBLEMS arising at the IONE BAND of MIWOK Tribe in Amador County, CA, the tribe of Bureau of Indian Affairs Director Amy Dutschke and her two nieces, who also work at the BIA's offices.
It seems that some enrollment audit information sent to the office of Director Dutschke have disappeared? Poof? Or abracadabra? It's the Bureau's responsibility to maintain records. How is it possible that records dating 1996 could be missing. IS there an ulterior tied to these MISSING records? Delay enrollment or to obfuscate who belongs where?
Curious still: MEMBERSHIP ROLLS were provided to the BIA? Are tribal membership rolls public information?

This is the original judgement of the IONE BAND, HOW did others get in the tribe. Who was looking out for the ORIGINAL Tribal members?
What do the Ione Enrollment Ordinances say, Amy? Perhaps the confusion on IONE enrollment is to allow certain others to enroll elsewhere? To keep Ione small and controllable?
MUDDY WATERS is legendary singer, it shouldn't be CA BIA policy
It seems some Ione Miwok people were at hearings in support of the WILTON RANCHERIA casino? Are they looking to DOUBLE DIP, IF the Elk Grove casino opens or just being good Indians in support of other Native Americans in their market area?
And just prior to impending elections at IONE? How....coincidental? Original Pechanga's Blog has obtained a mailing that informs the people of the missing information. We redacted some children's names but here it is:
Curiouser...and curiouser More on Amy Dutschke here.
ARE THE BIA DOING RIGHT by Indians...or??
Come on now Native Country~! We all know about those big Fat Cows and fat Men Who work at the B.I.A. are very a BUNCH of corrupted Grime Balls!..."THERE OUT FOR THERE OWN"..AMY DUTSCHKE' (Ione tribe) is The leader of this Mess Pool of Lost Documents, This has been her Goal since the beginning of time' since her years of employment> to Shift and Shape records and manipulate documents for herself and her own people... (There probably frauds hiding something"( There probably doing "A David Toler Move)...David Toler had false documents sent to the B.I.A in behalf of the San Pasqual Tribe (What a fool) thinking no one would noticed'..ha! and my relative Emilio Reyes did right by suing all these Coke Suckers in the GOV. and We should sue them again.!"Just because there Creepy Natives that are not Health conscious of there land and life...yes sir! SUE THEM ALL!. COURT TIME IS NOW IN SESSION..
Perhaps Ms Dutschke discovered how easy it actually is to disenroll people on the basis of records lost following Picayune succeeding in disenrolling 600 Chukchansi people in 2006-2007 on that very basis....
We are still researching, but very possilbe Amy has ZERO connection to any Native Tribe. How on earth was this ever allowed to happen?
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