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AND the NOOKSACK 306 Response, taken from Facebook pages:
This is Pure"excuse my French"
BULLSHIT at its best! For one, this guy "Keith Williams"'is a fictitious person--Fake at its best! He wants to talk truth but writes under a fake name! 2 the Kelly Faction is not humble, and are definitely hateful to put it mildly... If not, tell me how come the 306 children were the first to be targeted---refusing them school clothes, school
Supplies and Christmas distribution for 4 years...when they aren't disenrolled? They are protecting the integrity of the membership? Wrong again... they are disrespecting our elder who enrolled the 306 back in the 80's with BIA approval...by calling them incompetent! Yes you are Keith by posting that in 2013 there was a more competent enrollment department put into place...Next they targeted our elders...Tell me how informing the elders and disabled they can no longer attend lunches and activities with the other elders is Not hateful? Not hurtful? No harm or damage? Really? And I'm sorry but Madeline Jobe was married to Our Dear Annie George's dad Matsqui George who yes eventually moved to Matsqui but was Nooksack...
Keep in mind that there was no border so If you jump the invisible line next to the Nooksack Northwood Casino--guess what? Your in Matsqui... I'm sorry to bring my dear neighbor Char Swanaset's name into the picture but she and her children have always claimed us/the 306 as family... Her Great grandma was Madeline Jobe.. When my late Father Leonard Gladstone Teathquathul's great grandma passed Away 2 days after giving birth to his grandma Annie George, Madeline Jobe became her stepmomma.. Her and Matsqui went on to have other children--Annie's siblings.. So as you can see, my dad and Char Swanaset would be cousins because Madeline Jobe married Annie's father... The issue is that this Faction--yes Faction--refuse to accept any documentation except for a 1942 census...
Our documentation clearly supports that Annie and her father were both Nooksack...
Her stepmomma was also Nooksack... So now because a border became a part of the picture, our dear Annie is not on the only document they will accept--the 1942 census...So Annie had several siblings accepted in Nooksack and years later our Dear Annie is told she doesn't Belong! Keith claims that no Nooksack elders accepted the 306! Again not true...Happy Louie, Ben and Norbert Charles, Frank and Ernie Hawley, Joe Louie, Irving Johnny, and Char's Mom Mary Thomas, Matilda Sampson to name a few acknowledged they were family... As a matter of fact, My father lived with Matilda Sampson....
If they were Alive today, how do you think the ancestors would feel? ASHAMED on what has transpired? As far as being threatening in the 1990's when attempted to be disenrolled, Not true! I'm sure upset... wouldn't you be? But it was a few council members at the time who were the ones carrying guns! Get your facts straight Keith! And as far as in accordance with the Constitution what a joke! The Faction has NOT followed our precious document our ancestors implemented years ago...As a matter of fact, they have broken it every chance they've gotten... For example, there are 4--Lona Johnson, Katherine Canete, Abby Smith and Rick George whose terms have ended in March but have refused to hold an election till now and only because they've been directed to by the Department of the Interior.
They know any actions since March are Null and Void but continue to initiate bogus referendum elections to vote out the 306 yet scheduled their involuntary disenrollment 3 weeks prior to counting the votes--smell a rat yet? They also changed voting so only non-pending disenrollees n Whatcom County residents could vote... Decisions voted on October 7th of this year with an ex- council...which means! Null and Void! As for Nooksack getting lot of negative and bogus attention , who brought this on? A council who fires a fair judge, who bans a lawyer because he's winning, who hires the ex-lawyer Ray Dodge to be the new judge, refuses the 306 due process, refusing medical and dental and burial services and now evicting innocent elders, and to top it off appoint themselves the Supreme Court! What's your opinion? Not what I consider humble...
KEITH WILLIAMS IS BOB KELLY UNDERCOVER !!! If a so called leader needs to go under a FAKE FACEBOOK PROFILE... let me ask you WHY????? IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE BOB KELLY AND YOUR LITTLE ITTY BITTY FACTION and what I mean by that is CHICKEN SHIT FACTION ..... WHY DO YOU HIDE????? If you are so DAMN SURE The 306 don't belong and so sure you can take the LAW IN YOUR OWN HANDS WHY DIDNT YOU MAKE YOUR LITTLE SUPREME COURT FROM THE START??? If your SO sure "KEITH" you sure HAVE ALOT TO SAY.....JUST BLOWING UP FACEBOOK......LMFAO YEP I SAID THAT!!! BOB AND HIS ITTY BITTY CHICKEN SHIT FACTION IS at the END of their rope...like an addict who would DO ANYTHING for that next high.....keep REACHING FOR THAT POWER BOB KELLY but let me say for someone like you it's FOREVER OUT OF YOUR REACH !!!
I AM NOOKSACK ! Maxina RABANG AND WE BELONG !!! YOU BOB KELLY ARE ADOPTED !!! But be GRATEFUL !!! My Ancestors saw it fit to welcome your family as one of US!
So Mr Keith Williams is really a Bob Kelly? An Adopted man? Hahahaha. What a Dam looser!! . Just like Allen Lawson and All the Frauds in San Pasqual.... "Forbidden bread eaten in secret is Good..but the penalty very harsh...
May this Fraud BOB.. Enjoy his sickness and famine. Whicj will come itoo those with repbrobated minds...of lies...
It seems as though all the tribes that are dis-enrolling are using the same play book!!
Adopted members running the tribes and dis-enrolling the true blood members, violating their constitutions. Tribal courts that are judge, jury and executioner, kangaroo courts!!
Tribal Chief Frank Cloutier ( adopted member ) of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe stated they are just following the tribal constitution. How many members of the Saginaw Tribal council members can trace, oh that's right, NONE!!
I stand with the Noocksack 306, Pechanga and all other dis-enrolled natives from across the United States. I stand with you Maxina Rabang!!
We must RISE UP and FIGHT!!!
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