Saturday, January 19, 2008

Education Groups DENOUNCE Props 94-97

Lets see, the leaders of the largest teacher's groups in the state are AGAINST the compacts and the pro gaming puts a young teacher who may not even have her credential, on television.

Contact: Shelly Sullivan(916) 213-3700
Sacramento —

In consideration of the new advertisement featuring a teacher in a classroom the following statements were issued today jointly by the California Federation of Teachers, the California School Employees Association and United Teachers Los Angeles who are calling on the Yes on 94-97 campaign to cease making false promises to voters about funding for our schools in their campaign to expand their casinos:

“We are deeply concerned by the Yes on Proposition 94-97 campaign’s claim that schools will benefit from these gambling compacts, when the truth is that none of the propositions’ revenues would be dedicated to our schools.”

Marty Hittelman, president of the California Federation of Teachers

“The 2006 Compacts’ revenues will not flow through Proposition 98 (the state’s minimum funding formula for education), meaning that these funds will not automatically benefit schools. And, if experience is any indication, it is highly unlikely that any compact funds will be used for our schools in the future.

Rob Feckner, president of the California School Employees Association
“If approved by voters under the false impression they are voting to ‘provide billions to California schools,’ Proposition 94, 95, 96, and 97 could further the misperception that schools are receiving adequate funding from gambling measures – a misperception that already plagues educators’ efforts to provide genuine revenue increases to California schools.”

A.J. Duffy, president of the United Teachers Los Angeles

Propositions 94-97 will not deliver on their fiscal and social promises. Educators are urging Californians to vote no on Props 94-97 and send elected officials back to the negotiating table to craft compacts that are fair to education, public safety, taxpayers, workers, the environment and other tribes.

VOTE NO on Props. 94-97

1 comment:

jhony james said...

In light of the recent denouncement of Props 94-97 by education groups, it's crucial to carefully consider the implications of these propositions, particularly within the context of online learning. The opposition from leaders of the largest teacher's groups in the state highlights significant concerns that merit attention and analysis. As a student engaged in taking online classes, it's essential to reflect on how these propositions might impact educational resources, funding, and the qualifications of educators, especially in the digital learning environment. Additionally, exploring the intersection between these propositions and the broader goals of online education can provide valuable insights into their potential effects on students, teachers, and the overall educational landscape. By fostering open dialogue and exchanging diverse perspectives, we can collectively navigate the complexities of this issue and work towards informed decision-making that prioritizes the needs of all stakeholders in the educational community.