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Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo Attorney and Niece of BIA Director Amy Dutschke |
Here is the TEXT of the letter sent to the DENTON's LAW FIRM of San Francisco, where Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo practices law. He claims to be defamed by Setshwaelo. We wrote about this letter referenced below: Purported Attorney for Pala and NIECE of BIA's AMY Dutschke...
My name is King Freeman and I am an enrolled member of the Pala Band of Mission Indians. I recently received a copy of a letter dated 1 September, 2015 from your office addressed to Andrew W. Twietmeyer, Attorney for the Agua Caliente Tribe of Cupeño Indians. The letter was apparently written and signed by Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo, Senior Managing Associate of your Firm.
On page 4 of this letter, Ms. Dutschke states that I am a member of the Agua Caliente Tribe. I must start by informing you that I am not enrolled nor have I applied for enrollment in any tribe or band other than the tribe I am presently enrolled in PBMI.
In the footnote of the Sara Dutschke letter, she states that I claim membership in another tribe. In reading paragraph two of page 4 of your associate’s letter she outlines possible ramifications for an individual possessing dual enrollment status. I have served for twenty plus years as chairman or vice-chairman of the Pala Band of Mission Indians and I understand the sacredness and confidentiality of a tribe or band’s enrollment information. Given the seriousness of your associates claim I feel I must demand copies of the document or documents that Sara Dutschke referenced that caused her to conclude that I am an enrolled member of a tribe other than the Pala Band of Mission Indians.
Ms. Dutschke’s letter has the potential of causing me serious harm and I have yet to consult with an attorney on this matter but would like to give you opportunity to respond before taking any sanction against Ms. Dutschke and your law firm. I believe a letter to me and to the Pala Band of Mission Indians correcting the record and an apology from your law firm is appropriate.
King J. Freeman
Cc: Amy Dutschke, Pacific Regional Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Superintendent, Southern California Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Robert Smith
What they have done to King is absolutely deplorable. This firm should lose their right to practice if this causes any harm to King.
Wow. That is absolutely shocking! King you have all of our support.
Article 17 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states
1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Why does everyone give these people a second chance? He should have immediately sued her for the claim she made. Instead of giving them a chance to respond. Everyone that is being screwed by this corrupt Pala government plays too nice.
Why does Robert Smith want to get rid of King Freeman? If you have seen Robert Smith's new proposed constitution you would understand. The new tribal constitution will change Robert's title from Chairman to King. He doesn't want anyone else in the tribe called King and that is why he is so determined to get rid of King Freeman. It is Robert Smith's long time dream of becoming the first king of a tribe in America. He wants to issue coins with his image on it and print money featuring his image as well. He visions himself as being the new King Kamehemeha. The President is expected to attend the coronation as well as all of the BIA officials, rich attorneys (for the official butt kissing)and spineless congress leaders. The FBI will provide security for the event. The crown will be placed on Chairman Smith's head by his queen Amy Dutschke. The new constitution is expected to be approved by Amy Dutschke soon so there will be no need for an election this year. The Executive Committee will be disbanded but they will retain their jet and golf privileges.
If 60 minutes does do a story on this, the whole entity known as the BIA is going to look evil and corrupt, if the higher ups have any kind of intelligence they would do an internal investigation and prosecute Amy, Frances Muncy, and Robert Eben. They did this to Wayne Smith who was corrupt and giving certain casino privileges to certain tribes, back in the late 90's.
hey sandra, keep your spell casting horseshit off this post
In reading King's letter I don't think he's giving anybody a second chance,. Anybody who knows King knows he's is one of the nicest men on the rez. Why he is continued to be targeted by the piece of crap named Robert Smith and now a associate of a global law firm is starting to raise serious red flags as to why, why, why? Reading King's letter I see him writing something he believes, which is ,hey if I said something untrue about you I would apologize, his sentence of an apology being appropriate is reflecfive of his old school make up. I don't read it as apologize to me and all is forgave and forgotten, what's been done is done, a Dentens law firm Associate has stated her claim in writing. I don't know if a judge would tell them, ("oh, you said you were sorry? that's good enough for me"). I think the meat and potatoes of the letter is King's demand to copies of the document/documents referenced which caused Sara Dutschke to conclude his duel membership. Are these documents public record? doubt it, Are these documents available somewhere so he can rewiew them?, doubt it. Were these documents given to Sara Dutschke by her Auntie Amy Dutschke?, maybe. Do any documents even exist? doubt it. I hope Sara Dutschke is enjoying her last days as a bar member because this is the kind of behavior, in some circles is know as a lawyer killer. But as long as you wrote what Robert wanted you to write you preformed well........hahaha,NOT!
I am curious to know if Denton's Law Firm really wanted to pride itself with hiring an attorney who totally disrespects the sovereignty of a tribe in favor of a corrupt leader? Is that what Denton's Law Firm wants to be known for - disenrolling tribal members who even the Assistant Secretary, Kevin Washburn says should be enrolled. Did they really know who Sara Dutschke was before they hired her. Did they know that her aunt and she may have conspired to illegally oust and deprive more than 160 Cupeno Indians of their rights from an association that is not even a tribe. Did Denton's Law Firm know that Amy Dutschke was investigated for granting federal recognition to a tribe then within four months after her decision Amy and her relatives were added to the rolls of that tribe. I don't believe that this is the type of law firm that Denton's pride itself in being. It is time for Sara to sit down with her supervisor and tell the whole story of how she was originally hired by Robert Smith to develop the scheme to disenroll the Britten family. I am sure they are waiting for the truth just as we are.
Why can't the disenrolled write a letter to the Law firm and explain the issues of Sara D. concerning her illegal tactics with her Aunt and the Chairman of Pala to disenroll the Britten Family.
The Britten Family have a right to express their concerns over the Sara D. issue.
Why is a law firm like Dentens attempting to assist a corrupt tribal offical like Robert Smith to disenroll a p.b.m.I. elder by having a associate set him up with false statments? I'm not a attorney but I think Dentens has alot of explaining to d, espically to King Freeman. This action is not only unprofessional but deplorable. What you have to say Dentens? Its is your letter head on Sara Dutsuchke's crock of bullshit.
@September 22, 2015 at 4:36 AM
A letter was written. It's on Pala Watch.
It should be sent to the State Bar for investigation. No waiting around for an apology from these criminals.
@September 22, 2015 at 4:36 AM
It was also posted on Original Pechanga
There are a some things that can be learned by giving the firm a chance to respond. Maybe Denton's was not aware of these actions by one of its partners. Now we can see if they care enough to own up or not. Some firms are ethical. Others maybe not so much. If there is some kind of proof it would be fraudulent or forged and that might be useful if things go to court. We can also find out if Denton's is committed to Sara Setshwaelo or ready to cut ties for unethical conduct.
I am sure that the BAR did a complete investigation into the life that S.D.lived before they issued her a lic. to practice Law in the State of Calif.
So a detailed letter to the State Bar should be written any explain in detail her (SD)involvement to Fraud the Tribal Members through her Aunt Amy and her Uncle Robert the Chairman of 2 Reservations. I think that this would get their attention very quickly.
I am almost certain that Howard Dickstien and his Wife were involved in her obtaining a Law Lic. because of his licking Amy's box or what ever he does to her to keep her quiet and doing what she is told to do by Dickstien and R. Smith all these years.
Kudos to King Freeman and William Pink, these two MEN have no fear of Robert Smith, the infantile little boy, go ahead and keep wasting your "BAND'S" money Robert trying go buy your way thru fucking whoever you think opposes you, and that includes toppling a global law firm fo reach your means. Sara Dutsuhke your A DUMBSHIT, Dentens, do your homework before you hire people, King and Willie you have my respect, Robert Smith, fuck off and die pigboy.
Oh, one more thing ......is it hard to get a bridal into that Sara Dutsuhke horse grill before you take her out for a gallop Robert?
He rides her native style, bareback and no bridle. Directs her by her full mane. She is a Black Beauty indeed, any man would want to mount as lovely a steed.
bet he rides side saddle too
It is my belief that Sara Dutschke has done terrible wrongs to the Pala people. That said, she does not deserve some of the personal degrading comments made here. Read the information provided and make your comments. It is too easy to attack someone on a personal level with insults such as the ones posted here. That is not our way. She will get hers for her evil deeds. She has brought it upon herself and she will be suffering great consequences. THAT BEING SAID, you can say whatever you want about that overstuffed pig, crook, murderer, rapist Robert Smith. He is not human. He is an evil beast and therefore does not deserve any respect.
@ H. Caufield 9:42 AM
I think that I would rather Beat Off my, self she is not a turn on for me. She looks like a real Hard-On KILLER.A new BIRTH CONTROL method. Only someone like Robert Smith would eat, after some other guy made a deposit into her ATM slot.
@6:05 PM
He doesn't need a Bridal, he just mounts up and tells her witch way to go, and how high to buck.
If she was a good smart lawyer she would buck him off and kick him in the nuts.
A song from Amy's EX.
Well this old mare just ain't what she used to be, ain't what she used to be, at 5oclock in the morning.
Well I am sure glad that I don't have to mount that old mare any longer, don't have to mount her any longer. Thank you Mr. Smith for taking this old mare from me, because she ain't what she used to be,ain't what she used to be at 6 o'clock in the morning.
Try riding her bare back with some spurs, and she if she will buck for you, my friend Mr. Cowboy Smith.
If in fact Sara is the Band Attorney then at the next Tribal Meeting their should be a motion to fire her then and there as of that date.
Nice bottom lip though. Nice for giving BJ's.
A note to the readers following the Britten situation as well as others. We perceive the most recent comments about Sara Dutschke as a new tactic of opponents of the Brittens. This is being in an attempt to sway supporters and readers away from the Brittens. If you have been following other posts and comments you will realize that degrading a woman the way Sara Dutschke has been degraded is not our way. It is sad that Robert Smith will resort to these types of tactics. The unfortunate side of this is that they very hurtful words are out there and there is not taking them back. For the Brittens, many family members know that the Dutschkes do come from a very respectable Miwok family. It is difficult if not impossible to believe that Amy and Sara would disgrace their ancestors in the ways that they have.
But they have. But thanks for speaking out against the gross comments being made.
Maybe people are just feed up with all the bullshit that has been coming out lately, and unfortunately SD has Documented some things that are not True and I believe that some members are getting tired of people saying things that are not factual and are venting when they get pissed off. I know and you do also, that being pissed off is really not a good time to post anything because once you do it you can't take it back.
Everyone has their reasons for doing things, and saying things, I know I do.
Just look and read all the post that are on here and on the other site as well, that degrade our family members, some may think that that's ok, however it does hurt us because I always thought that everyone in Pala were our friends, and now I am not sure who is and who is not.
This was once a paradise place to live, here in Pala. Even when someone got mad at someone else, the next day all was forgiven and things would be good again until next time.
But in todays world when people get mad they seem to want the whole world to know how mad they are, so we wait for the right time and bam,
we say and do things that are not nice at times.
I myself hope and pray every single day for all of this negative bullshit to go away and never return. And I am sure that someday it will, but just remember it will be a part of the history of the Pala people and what we say and do to others also will be apart of that same history.Respectfully Posted by Peter Trujillo sr.
There have been long standing family funds in Pala as long as I can remember. It is part of being tribal I guess, but people managed to get along a lot better in the past before they had to support Robert Smith or find their life destroyed.
We believe thay many of the insulting comments come from Pala EC supporters. Robert Smith has been sending out hate mail and getting people to post horrible comments on the blogs for years now and blaming the disenrollees. These are his tactics. He lies, twists statements, and constantly accuses everyone of fraud and forgery.
According to Smith there are no facts or evidence. It is all fake except for what he says. Is there anyone left who believes what he says anymore?
Well Mr. Trujillo sr. very well said and very truthful as bring part of the Pala Peoples History.
I have to Mr. Tujillo sr. if only other members would feel like you do about your people and your Tribe it would be very rewarding for everyone in Pala. You should run for Committee Member this year and see how it works out.
I believe that you could win at an election, and also I believe that you would get a lot of votes.
Because it seems that you truly want to make a difference in the way things are done on the Reservation, and you are not afraid to say what you feel about anything.
Think about it ,it's your choice of course, and I hope you do run this time around.
We need new people to get involved and make a difference for all.
Yes, Mr. Trujillo SR. you should run for Committee member, I know you will get ALL of my Family's support.
Yeh, Pete, go ahead and run, I can promise you all of my families votes and most of my friends also will vote for you.
Robert would probably try to change the Guide lines for running for office if Pete decided to run for Committee member. The reason being is because Robert would be afraid of the way that Pete might vote on Tribal issues at the EC meetings.
However Pete don't let that bother you. If you feel that it's right for you then go ahead and do it.
I firmly believe that you will win if you did run.
There are a lot of families that would back you and vote for you.
I know that myself and all of my people would vote for you, and some of my Family Members said that they would be willing to help you in any way that they could if you decide to go for it.
Yeah Pete, I checked the Constitution and with General Council approval you are eligible to run for EC office. You know the GC will approve your running so do it. You would get a clear majority of the votes and it would make it impossible for Robert to cheat this time.
@7:49 what do you mean you checked the Constitution. What an inane remark. This is just a ploy by 7:49 and others to get info on others plans so the EC can counteract them. Really think people are stupid enough to fall for this ploy.
Hey ninny, read your constitution. it is what I said. Under the Articles pete would not have been eligible so counteract that you idget.
You're dying to say it straight up but yellow livered idget that you are, you want to get your giggles seeing someone else do it.
why would Pete not eligible under the Articles, He is enrolled in the Band.
I have noticed that my name has been mentioned a little here lately.
I never said that I would run for Committee Member.
If ever I did decide to do it, I would let the people know in a different manner.
I wouldn't mind it though.
I have always had an interest in it but never tried to run for Committee Member.
I did however run for Vice Chairman a long time ago and lost to King Freeman by 21 votes. That was when everything was at the Old Tribal Hall.
If in fact I do decide to run I will let the Members know before hand.
I have been approached here lately by some Members trying to get me to Run, but I have not decided as of yet. But I am interested.
Respectfully Posted by,
Peter F. Trujillo SR.
You should run. Those cheating mf's wouldn't know what to do. We all know you would win easily and they would have a tough time changing the vote.
@7:49 yea you just want a Trujillo to say the constitution is valid.
He has to be nominated first and foremost, and he can decide then and there to except or decline. I hope he does run and show the Members that he does care about his Tribe.
I believe that he will conduct himself in a fair manner and that he would vote with his heart and brain and to be open minded on all subjects which may come up. And as for him being nominated, there is a long line of members that would do so if he makes it known that he will run for Committee Member.
Rumors are spreading like wild fire in Pala, that if Mr.Trujillo Sr.decides to run for Committee Member, that Robert Smith will have a surprise waiting for him.
SO there goes another fair election in Pala.
What is Smith so afraid of, and why pick on someone like Mr. Trujillo Sr. who just wants to make a difference for the people in Pala.
This is total BS to act so CHILDISH on something like this.
The people in Pala should stand their ground on this issue and support Mr. Trujillo Sr. if he does in deed decide to Run for Committee Member this Election.
I am sure the surprise is that Robert controls the tribe's gaming commission. Nominees are required to have a background check done by the Pala nonsense commission and all Robert has to do is delay any of his opponents background checks. Robert has done it before and will do it again. At a minimum any nominee who is not cleared by the stupid commission is not considered a candidate and they cannot do any campaigning until they are cleared. At the same time Robert does not require the incumbents to go through a background check. It is all total bs by rs.
The incumbents should be made to do them same as anyone else that runs for office. Look ay Leroy Miranda and the activity that he was involved in, and a new back ground check would have alerted the people as such.
I mean who knows what the EC Members have done from the time they took office, to the next Elections.
Maybe that's the reason that the newly elected never have to be sworn in after the elections.
Even the incumbents that win a new election should be re sworn in before the start of the cycle begins.
As far as I can remember the newly elected for office have not legally been sworn in for at least the last 3 elections.
All Smith says is we would like to thank the voters that voted for us at the elections and all the incumbents stay in office. And they never get sworn in, and that is just not right.
Straight out of the book, "Before the names of a person who has been nominated can be put on that ballot, that person must complete a form provided for by the Executive Committee---" Does that mean that the current EC is not valid because they did not get the necessary background check. It sure does but it is a good thing Robert owns the BIA because they will back his illegitimate government to the very end. That is the good news, the end is coming and sooner than everyone thinks. Maybe that is why Robert pissed in the hall of the casino. He knows that in prison he won't have any privacy so he was just practicing.
7:02 pm
Your comment:
Look ay Leroy Miranda and the activity that he was involved in, and a new back ground check would have alerted the people as such.
The Executive Committee was fully aware of Leroy's actions and they had intentionally hidden his record from the people. About a year later, it was brought to light and a petition to recall him was sent to the Executive Committee. Remember, they were shielding him (protecting) so that they would keep their inner circle carefully in power. Unfortunately, Leroy was his own worst enemy and his continued decline eventually forced him to resign. I remember seeing a post on a social media site in which he complained how much he hated his job. I may even have a snapshot of it somewhere, but you get my point. Executive Committee is corrupt and they will never let anyone into their circle because they have too much to hide and will be destroyed when the truth about their unbridled spending ever comes to light.
RS and the EC will use this NOT SWORN IN thing when they finally get caught and say,: "WE NEVER SWORE TO DO ANYTHING TO HELP THE PEOPLE" and "WE NEVER SWORE TO NOT STEAL ANYTHING.AND WE NEVER SWORE TO NOT BE CORRUPT.SO ha ha ha .
It really seems that if they are not sworn in when they win an Election (legally or fraud) they need to be sworn in just like any new ones are. Seems that that would make them be not legal as far as being a committee member.
They are not legal, nothing they do it, but no one will challenge them that can challenge them. The one thing that would get noticed is a formal complaint by actual members. Not a petition, because then the signatures have to be verified, and that takes time and when given a situation like this, anything done has to be instantaneous. Robert will go to DC to fight a petition saying the signatures were fake, or the people who signed are all a bunch of liars, or they are trouble makers, or they all have family who has been disenrolled so they are just mad. If a certain amount of tribal members got together and brought up a written and signed complaint with pre-verified signatures on it, in secret, then they could catch him off guard. They would have to do it while he is in Ireland or sometime when they knew he was gone for a while and do not tell others who you do not trust. He cannot use sovereignty against his own members.
How does she justify taking money from the Tribe and turn around say things about a Tribal Elder that are not true. The money that she receives from Pala also belongs to King Freeman.
Great point, 9:40. So it appears that she works for the tribe, but appearances are deceiving. Then, it must be that she actually works for Robert Smith, since she is heavily promoting his agenda.
I think that if I decide to run I am going to have a friend of mine who works in Law Enforcement run a back ground check on me so that I can compare it with the Tribes, if a problem does come up. That way no one can say anything, and I am not afraid to make it public if I need to.
I already know what the back ground check will reveal, because I was already cleared for employment at one of the Casino's and I do have a CCW, which is a lic. to carry a fire arm.
Respectfully Posted By
Peter Trujillo Sr.
It will be nice to get out from under the thumb of the Lugo's who get to count their Morongo blood.
I have something to say. I want everyone to look at the census records for 1900-1906 and you will see Remijo Lugo was not on the Warner springs census or the Pala census until they were giving away free land in 1903. He was though on the Morongo / Cahuilla census. Even after all the Lugo's and I mean ALL were either in the Morongo or Cahuilla census for years. The only Lugo not on those census records was Remijo Lugo and his family. Why because he came to Pala and registered as Pala to get free land. My point is if they have been in Pala for over 100 years and people want to consider them part of the tribe that's fine. Then don't go attacking another family that even with the lower blood still has more cupeno/Pala blood than your family. They should have let it be and kept enrollment the same and nobody would have dug up the past and found out about their family. Re-enroll put things back the way they were and leave enrollment alone!! And before Palarez and others start talking about lies and so on go look at the documents I speak of and be educated on your argument because you will not have one after looking at them.
Pete Trujillo, would you run for council member,vice chairman or Secretary? I believe all 3 are up this year. Council member would be easier to get into because Robert and Teresa cannot allow an outsider or someone not on their side be vice chairman and especially not secretary. That person would have to much inside sight to the workings of their government. As council member you will have a vote but I'm sure they can keep you out of the day to day dealings they sneak around about. If you could get into vice chair or secretary that would be great for our tribe. I just see it harder as Rob will do everything in his power to stop that and cannot let that happen. He knows you cannot be bought off with a golf course,use of the jet and anything else on Pala's dime like the once good people who sit on the council.
I am considering a run for Council Member.
I believe in working your way up, instead of jumping into the fire not knowing if you will get burnt or survive the ordeal. I am waiting for some info that a source has agreed to send me, that will for sure help me in making my decision. I really thank you for your support that you have shown so far.
If you do get in work to get rid of lawyers that use tribal money to hurt tribal members.
I think that if Pete SR. get nominated that he will run for Committee Member at large. So nominate him and see.
@ 4:39 PM
Mr. Trujillo SR. you need to run for the VICE CHAIR spot. I truly believe that you will have the support of the entire Reservation behind you.
I searched the Panchenga Blog looking for Amy Dutschke and see that she has been pulling this crap for decades. How is it she has not been disbared? We tried tracing her family tree and there is not ONE vital document on this woman, not one family tree linking her relative, nothing!! Does anyone else have any information on her family lineage?
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