THANK YOU for reading, thank you for sharing, THANK you for allowing aggrieved Native Americans this outlet. THANK you for continuing to help shine the spotlight on tribal corruption, tribal disenrollment, moratorium and exposing the civil and human rights abuses in Indian Country
I began this blog in 2007 to draw attention to the abuses of disenrollment, moratoriums and banishment by casino gaming tribes in CA. It was primarily focused on the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians from Temecula CA. But, along the way, I've met hundreds of new friends, from many tribes who have had the same thing happen to them. We got little attention, at the time, in fact:
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PAULINA Hunter Circa 1890 - Original Pechanga Person |
I began this blog in 2007 to draw attention to the abuses of disenrollment, moratoriums and banishment by casino gaming tribes in CA. It was primarily focused on the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians from Temecula CA. But, along the way, I've met hundreds of new friends, from many tribes who have had the same thing happen to them. We got little attention, at the time, in fact:
In 2008, we got into a spat with owner (And Pechanga member who voted to terminate HUNDREDS of Pechanga people) Victor Rocha's assistant Rob Schmidt about our blog not being a news site.
He posted a ranking from THE internet site ranker, which I'll put up after this comment he wrote:
I hope you're happy with these results, because I sure am. The only thing that would make me happier would be to see and ranked higher than Indian Country Today and But we all need goals to strive for. Any questions about where most Indians go for information?
2008 2015
Indian Country Today: 221,841 35, 259,464 224,429 324,108 1,042,946 395,325 872,184 3,083,555 205,913 4,307,680 2,063,224 9,239,654 762,494
WE OUTRANK ROCHA's site in worldwide and US RANKINGS! In this case, a LOWER number is better:
As of Friday 9/3, the rankings in the US/World for my blog are: 154,657/ 792,494
Current ranking for 7/31 in the US/World for are: 169,603/ 875,857
Or course, has sponsors, gaming and others, so he's making money and has prestige. Ours is the little blog that COULD. We get the word out on abuses that Rocha's cousin Mark Macarro has inflicted on hundreds. And we share what's happening to, sadly, THOUSANDS of Native Americans by their OWN TRIBES.
Ours gets read by Congress, media and TRIBES! OUR BLOG, is where people go for information on tribal disenrollment, on tribal civil rights abuses and to see how are government has allowed harm to come to our elders.
Yes, the Pechanga tribe may be our best customer...
Ours gets read by Congress, media and TRIBES! OUR BLOG, is where people go for information on tribal disenrollment, on tribal civil rights abuses and to see how are government has allowed harm to come to our elders.
Yes, the Pechanga tribe may be our best customer...
Great job!!
Everything happens at the right time. The corrupt chose Hunters for a reason and they will have to answer the TRUTH! The Corrupt ignored the band when they saw the truth. We are Pechanga!
Excellent work by all involved.....
Very Good job, and keep going, and do not let the Bad Actors win. The more that buck against your site, the closer you are to exposing the evil ones on the reservations. Keep the "TRUTH" coming, Very Good job.
Good job!!! Keep going!! Instead of being the "Little blog that could", its more like "The little blog that WILL!"
How come Victor Rocha's site doesn't have a comment section anymore? Why is that Victor? I know you read this blog. I strongly dislike phonies.
Because ROCHA doesn't care what we think. He just wants the advertising money.
Everything HAPPENS at the right time and for the right reasons. If the Bad Actors want to disrespect our elders, and think it's OK to dishonor the band, we will Share The Truth! Take our rights away, ALL our rights in the band and split our rights up, is not our Bands or Ancestors ways. Sharing the Truth is even when our Ancestors shared the Truth in Certified Depositions!
Congrats Rick!
Thanks Emilio,
Congratulations to ALL of us. This means we are being seen and heard. It means that Congress can see that more people are looking.
Our friend in the Natural Resources Committee of the House is keeping a CLOSE eye on what is going on.
We MUST keep the pressure on, keep spreading the word and most of all, keep visiting THIS blog and viewing many pages simply clicking on the pictures on the right side, or scrolling each post. Rocha's site makes you view 3 pages before you get to the real story.
Share Share Share....
Put a name to a face.
Congratulations, Rick. Great job. Well deserved recognition for all you do for every Native!
OP, love to read this site, but man, that new type on the headers is unreadable. It's too fancy to read. Why the change?
Thank you for making it easy to read again. ,!!!.
With your numbers going up, the sponsor’s might start knocking on your door and start paying you and in turn help you to intensify the battle to a new level. Let’s hope it does.
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