The Pechanga Tribe is forcing the non member residents of the reservation, including reservation allottees, who were stripped of tribal citizenship to vacate their mailboxes within 30 days.
Purple Pin shows mailboxes and red pin shows where elders live |
It seems they couldn't just ask the post office to provide MORE mailboxes as the population grows.
Giving short notice of taking of mailboxes
We received a letter in the mail today from Pechanga Tribal Hall that we have 30 days to vacate our mailbox on the reservation, that we've had for 30 years since they were first installed. They want to give our (non-member) mailboxes to the Tribal members that are moving out here.
Residents use the address for mail and delivery services along with proof of residency when requested by agencies who request it. Why should residents who have had their address and are residents be asked to give it up? Other people who don't reside on the reservation should give back or share their address with others if the band does not want to add more boxes. Proof of residency comes from school districts, government agencies ie. Indian Health, insurance agencies, and others. Residents should be allowed to keep their addresses and the band should add more boxes if necessary.
I sure hope a request to appeal the tribes decision to remove non-members of their current mailboxes has requested! Grrrrr Speak up for yourselves!!
I think you can ask for a new box from the post office.
Ya, and so could non residents
why should residents be requested to give back? oh ya, cause that's what our band is all about.
I think the postal general is the man to resolve this issue. I am sure there is some regulation about having access to postal services and the same is true. the post office has to have a place to deliver mail to. I am not sure but I believe Pechanga is overstepping its authority to evict you from your mail box with out providing you a reasonable alternative. At the very least this could be seen as an act of discrimination, for you are being singled out by the creeps-o's of the tribal council.
The upcoming hotel, spa, meeting space, and outdoor water play expansion is going to cost the tribe $285 million dollars. I guess this makes additional mailboxes on the reservation, where we have lived for over a century, out of the question due to budgetary constraints.
Expanshoin in the works=make life more difficult for disenrolled/ex tribal/nommember residence of Pechanga.
Isn't it true Hunter Lane is on edge of Hunter allotment? But Pechanga members can trespass on the Hunter allotment because of why? Now Hunters are required to vacate mailboxes that have been in use for decades.
Adding true greedy behavior is currently acceptable within the band. Forward the letters received to Senator and Congressman to share truth again. Taking mailbox postal services away from Pechanga reservation residents who have been disenrolled because they are recognized outside the current band council office. Haha another example of disrespect "ALL" even our ancestors who where here when the reservation was created. CRAZY
Now if Pechanga asks the outside for recognition, don't be surprised if Karma returns how you've treated Allotted family who asked why your not recognizing us anymore.
Good luck to "ALL"
The greedy Bad Actors are opening the door for the same treatment. How you treat someone else will always be returned to you. Hopefully we all understand this. Since it's ok for some to take away, get ready to receive the same recognition. How much worth was it? Hope it was "ALL" worth it.
Is this so the "indians" who were not dis-enrolled cab elude paying state taxes by claiming residency on the reservation? The same state that gave them the right to have their casino? Pechanga tribe is like a welfare state.
Open another open can of how I want to be treated. According to this chapter, its ok to keep showing how greedy one can be. Hope your ready for the return treatment. Someone deserves to take away from "ALL" according to this club.
Actions speak loader than words.
Hey Jude get outta my mailbox...
The postal stuff should be governed by the federal government and not the tribe since it deals with mail handling. I am sure non residents want the address to pretend they live there so they don't have to pay as much in state taxes. They're all cheaters like Cahuilla Indian Maccaro
I thought messing with a mailbox was a Federal Crime. Whats the difference if someone used a cherry bomb to blow up and destroy a mailbox and someone taking one away from you? Both result in you not being able to send and receive US Mail.
The guidance @ Pechanga was created by our ancestors. However today it's the disrespectful actions and dishonor our ancestry and their descendants that speak louder than words. The bad actors and supports of their actions have to face the truth sooner or later. No matter what, the truth will always overcome lies and bad deeds. Our Ancestors went through lies and misinformation by outsiders, but they made it. Was it peaceful and respectful? No, but they stayed truthful and recorded the history and now we have to do the same. Protect the truth and recorded the bad actions from within the Bands who have lost the respect of "ALL".
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