Thursday, February 7, 2019

DISENROLLMENT Dishonors our Ancestors FEB 08, 2019 FIGHT for JUSTICE

JOIN THE EVENT, share this link and others to share the shame.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IT IS TRIBAL MATTER, that the excuse that everyone states when they are asked to help the ones being abused by their very one Tribal leaders.
So then why not take it into your own hands and handle it the old school way the way our Ancestors did back in the day.
Take these corrupt leaders and beat the living shit out of them and stop acting like little pussies.
If law enforcement won't take them out then its up to you to take them out.
If it is like the courts say an inter Tribal
matter then you can not be charged because you are acting on an inter tribal matter. So just go for the gusto and stop these corrupt assholes.