These Ten TRIBAL Casinos are some we chose to STAY AWAY from and NOT spend our entertainment dollars there. In NO particular order, except for Pechanga because they are MY TRIBE and they cheated MY family and dishonored MY ancestors and our progeny.
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There is much more detail at each of the links, please click through
PECHANGA RESORT & CASINO: Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians CA
In 2004, 130+ adult members and their immediate families were disenrolled from the Pechanga Band. The members were all descendants of Chief Pablo Apish, a historically significant leader of the Pechanga/Temecula people. None of the members were allowed to participate in the 2004 tribal elections as a result of their disenrollment.
An additional extended family of approximately 100 adults was disenrolled in March 2006 when tribal officials determined that the ancestor from whom they are lineally descended from was not an Original Pechanga/Temecula person. This determination was made despite the fact that a report prepared by a well known anthropologist hired by the Band's Enrollment Committee concluded she was a Pechanga/Temecula person.
The most recent disenrollment of 100+ adults and children was especially egregious as the General Membership, the Tribe's governing body, had previously passed a law which (1) repealed the Tribe's disenrollment procedures and (2) made it illegal for the Enrollment Committee to disenroll members.
There is ALSO a moratorium on membership, which also keeps Chairman Mark Macarro's OWN COUSIN out as well as family of other members...equal opportunity OFFENDER?
Northwood Casino - Nooksack Tribal Nation WA
This tribe has been working for YEARS to disenroll a family that has been proven to belong. 306 people are suffering at the hand of a tribal chairman, Bob Kelly, who was adopted into the tribe! Jobs lost, benefits stolen, families' abused and they change the rules in midstream, even to the point of denying children. They might force you to hit a 17 at the casino?
VALLEY VIEW CASINO: San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Indians CA
Run by NON San Pasqual blood, this tribe has worked to both DISENROLL members, and KEEP approximately 125 TRUE San Pasqual descendants OUT OF THE TRIBE. Tip: Iron Eyes Cody, played an Indian, but he was NOT. Many of the San San Pasqual, but they are NOT.
Turning Stone Resort Casino - Oneida Nation, NY
Ray Halbritter has gained fame with the anti Redskins mascot issue, but has clearly not been known for stripping his aunt Maisie Shenandoah and three dozen tribal members “of their voice” in Nation affairs — meaning they were not eligible for Nation programs and services. To prove it...he simply BULLDOZED his own family's HOMES...
PALA RESORT & CASINO: Pala Band of Luiseno Indians CA
Corrupt leader Robert Smith has terminated the citizenship of 154 tribal members, threatened numerous others with a similar fate. The General Council has no access to the business records. Evictions, stripping of rights, Elder Abuse, Child name it...
RED HAWK CASINO:Shingle Springs Rancheria CA
On January 7, 2014, the Cook Family received the devastating news they were being suspended as members of the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians recommended by the Enrollment Committee and enacted by the Tribal Council. A total of 138 family members were being questioned of their lineal heritage to their ancestors who were named on a BIA Census. On March 7, 2014 the Cook Family were disenrolled from the Tribe and stripped of their rights and citizenship
CHUKCHANSI GOLD CASINO: Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians CA
Despite providing strong federal government documentation to support their Chukchansi heritage, in June 1999, tribal officials removed 170 tribal members from the tribal rolls claiming they could not establish themselves as Chukchansi Indians. Subsequently have removed over 600 tribal members.
WIN RIVER CASINO: Redding Rancheria CA
In January 2004 Tribal officials allege family elder Bob Foreman's mother was not the daughter of his grandmother. Tribal officials produced no evidence to dispute the maternal lineage and the family produced reams of evidence to support the mother-daughter link including DNA analysis after being forced to exhume bodies.
RED FOX CASINO: Laytonville Rancheria CA
26 adults and unknown number of children were stripped of citizenship
In 1995 the Sloan/Hecker family was disenrolled when tribal officials intentionally misinterpreted a congressional act called the Hoopa-Yurok Settlement Act. The reason for doing this was to punish the family as some of their members had reported to the FBI that an investor had misappropriated casino funds.
TABLE MOUNTAIN CASINO: Table Mountain Rancheria CA
Tribal officials arbitrarily pick and choose who is enrolled in the tribe. Many who are qualified for enrollment in accordance with a Federal Court ruling have been denied tribal citizenship. Table Mountain has a successful casino that pays it 75 tribal members approximately $500,000 dollars annually while their cousins, who are also eligible for enrollment, live in poverty.
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