Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Non State/Federally Reconized Tribe the UNA Tribe, Grants Fake Cherokee Sen Elizabeth Warren, membership..

Members of the Una Tribe, a Native American “mixed-blood tribe founded in 2009 after its membership was rejected by other Native American nations, have granted Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) enrollment in their tribe, according to a report by a CBS affiliate in Eugene, Oregon.

If she’s Native American or of Native American descent, that means she’s a mixed blood, and we stand by her and her statement that she’s part Native American,” said Richard Lake, the co-founder of the Una Tribe.  (OP:  No words if he's related to Iron Eyes Cody) and (OP: SHE'S NOT, and she claimed CHEROKEE)

“With that in mind, the Una Nation put together a welcome packet for the Massachusetts Senator,” CBS Eugene, Oregon reported.

Lake then went through the welcome packet, which included a welcome letter and a certification of tribal enrollment.  READ More HERE


Anonymous said...

How much did she pay them? Or how much were they paid? This whole thing is just idiotic, she lied and she lied and she lied, but lets award her for her lies. She knew she lied, maybe she is Hispanic and they can add her to their race too. It might seem like a good thing, but in reality all they are teaching is that you can lie and get rewarded. So go out and teach your kids to cheat, lie, steal, even murder because there are idiots who will back them no matter what. Except God, God will judge all the liars, cheaters, thieves, and murderers, and no idiot will be able to stand with them to explain to God, in fact those idiots will be facing their own judgement for condoning such evil. Also all the disenrollees should apply to this tribe, the Una Nation and they should except them since they really have true Native Blood and they can be federally recognized. Hope they have a lot of welcome packets ready.

Anonymous said...

The only way that Warren can get a little Indian in her is to get drunk and pass out on
the Reservation and Chief "Little Pee Pee"
will give it to her.
AKA Robert Smith from Pala.