Friday, July 17, 2015

50 Reasons WHY ILLEGAL Disenrollment Should NOT EXIST -

Our young activist friend Emilio Reyes, Gabrieleno, has put together a strong list against disenrollment.  Do you agree?   Do you have more?  

1.       It’s a cultural genocide
2.       It kills my Indian
3.       It’s a violation of all rights
4.       Banishes my traditions
5.       Violation of my religion
6.       Don’t have an explanation for my future generations
7.       It’s identity theft
8.       Illegal removal
9.       Allotment removal
10.   It’s another Indian war
11.   The creator will be upset
12.   I Cannot vote
13.   Abusive power of sovereignty
14.   I lose my healthcare
15.   I get kicked out of the REZ
16.   It’s colonial ways
17.   It’s Epidemic
18.   Forced assimilation
19.   It’s immoral and unethical
20.   It’s Colonial terrorism
21.   Divides family
22.   Forced Termination
23.   Historically disenrollment never existed
24.   Elimination by force
25.   If I was a member before I should be a member for life
26.   I have nowhere to turn to
27.   Indian gaming is diving our people
28.   My dead ancestors get removed from the rolls
29.   Bloodless genocide
30.   It’s the modern smallpox
31.   Deleted history
32.   No due process
33.   My citizenship gets revoked
34.   It’s tribal corruption
35.   The BIA has no “jurisdiction” 
36.   I also bleed red
37.   It kills my spirituality
38.   Creator made us Native
39.   Forced relocation
40.   Forced acculturation
41.   Our dead ancestors get removed and re-buried off reservation
42.   Our elders are dying b4 getting justice
43.   Per capita should be a blessing
44.   It’s a paper genocide
45.   I lose my job
46.   I lose my education
47.   It’s a punishment
48.   Leaves me culturally homeless
49.   Makes us disappear
50.   Because family is first


Anonymous said...

51. My the tribe should not adopt white or non blood members...because they become mobsters, thiefs,..etc....

Anonymous said...

51. Why ,,sorry

Anonymous said...

52. Takes my per capita. (The real reason for my concern.)

Anonymous said...

53. The real reason for fake pechanga members ( per capita).

Anonymous said...

54. The real reason true blood members don't fight against jennie ( per capita).

Anonymous said...

55. The real reason members let mark macarro (bend them over ) oink oink (per capita).

Anonymous said...

It causes hatred, it makes you feel degraded and extremely depressed, you get dirty looks from everyone and rude gestures on a daily basis, it is heartbreaking,it is your tribal leaders shoving their hands in your chest and pulling out your heart then waving it in the air while some members cheer and laugh, and kick you when you are down.

Anonymous said...

I am a disenrolled tribal member and I believe in the disenrollment process set by the tribe constitution and bylaws. What I don't believe in is a tribal government that says it can do anything it what because of sovereignty even braking sovereign tribal constitutions and by laws to disenroll members. tribes like Pechanga that disenrolled not even following the criteria set in their constitution by their elders of being an original Temecula Indian and original allottee of Pechanga. Or Pala as shown on channel 2 ignoring documentation sent by the B.I.A. and San Pasqual that the B.I.A. was told by the courts to reenroll them. there needs to be a appeal process protecting tribal members sovereign rights under a tribal sovereign constitution and bylaws.

Anonymous said...

56, the Government does not give a flying fuck, and seems to give their blessing. Its time to make the U.S.Government and the tribal councils, accountable for their actions or their lack of.

BlueDove said...

The level of intelligence on this page is going in the wrong direction. We are doing 5th grade analysis of tremendously important subject. Let's step it up and get some lawyers and legal advise that can have some political impact.

Anonymous said...

The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water; but to walk on the earth.

Anonymous said...

Do good, reap good; do evil, reap evil.

Anonymous said...

Probably going to some disenrollment crossword puzzles next.

White Buffalo said...

Disenrollment weakens a tribe by creating an atmosphere of fear

Disenrollment weakens a tribe through division and hatred.

Disenrollment weakens a tribe by providing an environment that encourages the belief of superiority among tribal members.

Disenrollment weakens a tribe by destroying the community in the name of individualism that fosters self-serving interest at the expense of others.

Disenrollment weakens a tribe when the leaders lose their way along the path when they worship the dead idols of money and power.

Disenrollment proves the people of a tribe are no better than the people who put them on the reservation in the first place.

Disenrollment proves the people of a tribe are corruptible.

Disenrollment is proof that a test has been failed by the people of a tribe.

Disenrollment is proof the soul of a nation can be bought for 30 pieces of silver.

Anonymous said...

Thank you White Buffalo.

White Buffalo said...

If we all keep working together we can figure it out.

Anonymous said...

disenrollment is not following custom and tradition in ALL bands. that is why some bands are stepping forward and making disenrollment illegal in their bands. they are sharing the truth!

Luiseno said...

Pechanga made disenrollment illegal, then went right ahead and disenrolled us anyways. How can a government disenroll you when it had made disenrollment illegal, and removed the process from Tribal law more than a year earlier!!!!?

That is why I contend that I am still a member, I don't care what kind of letter I received, just because the letter said I was disenrolled, doesn't mean that it's true.

We should be fighting for reinstatement of our rights as members, not to be re-enrolled.

Anonymous said...

I think that ALL of these, so called Tribal councils that are disenrolling, should be held accountable one way or the other. The only reason they have the power to commit such crimes is because we are allowing them to do so. It is the right time to stick together and do something about it, and not just comment about it. Twenty years ago this would have never happened because our customs and traditions would not have allowed it. We have rights, so why not form a group and stand our grounds and take back what was stolen from us. If we don't do something now, we never will. And that means that they, the evil councils win and we loose. Its time to talk to other Tribal members and take back what is ours and fix the wrongs that the evil councils have put upon use. With all the people that have been hurt by these devils, there should be plenty to take whatever action is needed to change the system that has let us down.

Anonymous said...

The illegal removal of federal tribal members IS Illegal! Period.

Anonymous said...

Maybe to your white colonial tribe you are disenrolled, but to Creator you are a member.

White Buffalo said...

You know I have thought about this and it is true in our hears and spirits we are the same whether enrolled or not. We do seek recognition for several reasons. The most of witch for myself is the recognized continuance of our family name and history. This recognition includes access to the land of our ancestors, the teaching of our culture and history by the elders of the tribe, and most importantly the continued involvement within the community. If you look at my previous post they all are related to the tribe and the community of the tribe. Pechanga has forgotten that it is the core value of the community that makes a tribes personality and this also leads to the moral and ethical norms the tribe follow. Just use your imagination and think what the moral and ethical values of the tribe as they are today as compared to lets say when the tribe was living on Apis land.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt corrupt corrupt