Sunday, February 22, 2015

DEVASTATING Video Of the NOOKSACK 306 Abuse by Bob Kelly Please WATCH and SHARE

This is so well produced, dealing with the anguish caused by the Nooksack Tribe, and it's chairman, adopted tribal member Robert Kelly and it's abuse of tribal citizens.   It's important that you WATCH and share with all your contacts.  SOVEREIGNTY was NOT meant to be wielded like a CLUB, to beat the weak and helpless



H.L.Belmont Jr said...

306 WeBeLoNg

Warrior Pontas blanco SPBL said...

The ones that suffer are the Elders and the children..this is a. ~Dam!!"OUTRAGE" heart goes out to noonsak wow..Creator is not going toike this...

Reinstatement_Restitution said...

Tell me, are the Nooksack organized under the IRA of 1934? Does their governing document require the approval of the Secretary of the Interior? Is that why the DOI ruled on their Enrollment Ordinance?

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

It is sad....we are suppose to take care of our elders! My aunt on the video since passed away....too much stress placed on our elders! We Belong!

Anonymous said...

This would happen even if it were another famly, it's not because they are Filipinos, it's beacuse they have no native blood line, well none to speak of? If they did then there would be no subject! I have been a member of the Nooksack Indian tribe for 50 years, and my mom and dad, and both of their parents and their parents. It's how you know others within your tribe! But I don't know any of the 306, at least not like I know everyone else in our tribe! I wonder why that is? They started getting enrolled in the mid 80's , and everyone was askin who are they where are they coming from? and who are they related too? But no one knew?