Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The REST of the Land O Lakes Indian Maiden Story From the Land of Sky Blue Waters

Knee Jerk Reactions.. we all do it. The outrage over the Indian maiden MIA on the Land o Lakes butter package? Yep, redrawn by a NATIVE AMERICAN, putting more natural items on the art...oh yeah, he also drew the HAMM's "From the land of sky blue water" Beer Bear....
Maybe the headlines should read: Land O Lakes destroys Native American Artist's work?

(Photo courtesy of Robert DesJarlait)

DesJarlait was employed by the advertising agency Campbell-Mithun in Minneapolis when he was given the assignment to market the farmer-owned cooperative. The original brand of “Mia” had been refurbished twice since its launch in 1928. DesJarlait was tapped to create a third version. He reimagined a more human character, adding detail to Mia’s face and floral motifs on her dress. Subtle changes that mattered.
That was the brand that stuck for seven decades.

Read the REST of the Story and INDIAN COUNTRY TODAY

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