Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Elizabeth Warren of Massachussetts: WANNABE in CHIEF BECLOWNS HERSELF MORE.

It's going to be tough to beat the exercise in futility that Sen. Elizabeth Warren spent so much time and energy on this week.  She allegedly took a DNA test and had a researcher who DOES NOT DO DNA TESTS, give the results:   She is whiter than most Americans, but might have Native ancestry 10 generations ago.

Cherokee Nation SECRETARY OF STATE issued a statement on Warren's claims here

Cherokee genealogist TWILA BARNES' statement on PHONY Elizabeth Warren, Democrat Senator from Massachussetts sums it up nicely

If you missed the documentation of Elizabeth Warren's FALSE family claims to CHEROKEE ancestry that Twila did it's on her blog THOUGHTS FROM POLLY's GRANDDAUGHTER  in six parts representing many weeks of research...

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