The Temecula Band of Luiseno Indians, led by Democratic Party operatives Mark Macarro and Andrew Masiel are well known civil and human rights abusers.
Oh, if only the question was too far-fetched to believe, since they have already stripped voting rights and elder care from 25% of their tribe. The Nazis forced Jews to wear these stars on their clothing in an overt act of persecution. As we wrote about recently, the allottees on the reservation, who have had their land in the family since the beginning of the Temecula Indian Reservation, have now been threatened with trespassing charges. A yellow star would make it easy for tribal members like the Masiel-Basquez crime family to recognize them on sight.
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Top: Yellow Star Jews in Nazi Germany were forced to wear
Bottom: Will Pechanga force Allottees to wear emblem so Rangers can see them?
The drinking fountains at the park will be one area where the tribe could have a sign saying: Tribal Members Only, No Temecula Indians Allowed.
They say that allottee may be excluded from their land if they are on the land of a tribal member, yet, Chairman Macarro's jackbooted Tribal Rangers trespassed on allottee's land to deliver the message. Yep, right to the front doors. And since a sexual predator is in charge of dispatching Rangers and is a member of the tribal motorcycle "club", wouldn't you be worried?
Remember, some Moratorium People have already been excluded...
Since the casino is on tribal property, any visitor could be charged with trespassing ..for any reason.
So Pechanga has violated civil rights, covered up criminal acts (RICO ACT violation with Jennie Miranda and her family) now blatant discrimination. Is this the United States or china.
Is the Basquez family really Pechanga?..and if Raymond is such a diehard Indian, why did he marry that big mouth white woman ex-dealer?..and that girl married to his grandson sure looks white!
Raymond Basques is the son of Francisca laivas the same Francesca that forged documentation under three different names to collect moneys for being Indian. She just shows up with no history or ties to any Indian family before this.
but when will the moratorium be lifted?
you will have to ask a tribal member that
Why isn't Raymond investigated and did-enrolled?..what political clout does he have? Isn't his son a rapist or something like that?
Raymond Sr is a convicted rapist his son was in prison for dealing drugs. When the tribe took over there enrolment it was said that when he knew he didn’t have documentation to enroll he got on his knees in front of the enrollment committee and cried and begged them to enroll him. Now his sister , aunt and other family are on the enrollment committee.
So when will Mark get pissed and kick this whole family out? many Basquez members are there?...the little shrimp walks around the Casino like he is the sole owner...what a troll....wonder why that big mouth married him? check and the dealer school?..
He (Mark) is in fear of Raymond's family and afraid that they will expose some truths about him and his family and there is crimes that he is probably tied in with.
Hell it will be like opening Pandora's Box.
I thought I read on here that Raymond was trying to get rid of Mark and swing votes to someone else, they must have kissed and made up?
heard that dealer school was a big rip off!
Yes Raymond and his family wanted to impeach Mark and put Andy Masiel in as chair. Andy is from his family. The impeachment had to do with mark putting his wife Holly’s law firm in for Pechanga without the peoples vote. Its funny Mark told Raymond that he should remember this because he was on the council and voted for it. Now Raymond was not on the council or is there a secret council that handles money, job position and disenrollments.
Will the moratorium ever be lifted?
From the words of the Junior Potato, the Grand Potato's brother, never!
I ran into the Junior Potato a couple of months ago and asked him that very question. I told him I didn't think the moratorium was fair and, of course our disenrollment wasn't fair either and he didn't like it one bit.
So the Basquez family has the admission desk covered by their own which really aren't from Pechanga and your tribal leader goes along with this?...what a scam! they kick back to him or something?..they have hijacked the tribe and the members just go along with it?..what a bunch of sheep with no balls! the old days, someone would have been scalped over this and now you can't even get any support.
Casino= downfall.
A lot of the rank and file don't care as when we run into them and try to talk about enrollment issues they just say that they don't get involved in that sort of thing. It didn't happen to them so, out of sight, out of mind as long as they are getting their per capita. Also, they really don't care if the Basquez/Masiels are in either for the same reason.
That sounds very "white". I thought Indians were supposed to be different, but then, these really aren't true Indians.
You would think they would banish rapists, drug dealers, pedophiles instead of rewarding them with false enrollment.
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CIVIL RIGHTS have been bashed!
In-house Tribal attorney's are changing Federal & U.S.Codes to accomadate
the false Indians in our tribes.
As one can see they put these non-Indians, non-memebers & frauded documented Indians to take the place of the "Genuine" American Indians.
The NCIA runs the show as well.
No matter how much we protest, find the counterfeits Indians, bring up the inaccuracies to the tribal council of these facts, they simply let it roll off their backs.
Most believe in the in-house tribal attorneys and their blatant lying words.
These in-house attorneys believe that Geniune Indians aren't paying attention to what kind of tribe they are making of us.
You'll notice when looking around, most of our original people are being on the outside looking in.
We are being looted, poisoned or injected with some kind of poison after leaving the "IHS". Dying of some kind of mysteries illness, cancer injections are seem to be their (IHS) way of getting rid of us. We are out numbered by the phony Indians & white Indians that do not have a cc. vial of Indian blood.
But, we well fight for another day.
We fight for our "Originals" the Genuine Original Indian of our Original tribes.
This Nazi thing with Yellow Star of Davids is the end of the line...We all need to all burn as much smudge to deflect these crimes!
The Nazi needs to be ran out of them, they are the Nazi criminals of our time.
I saw today that Egypt is in a violent protest and gets tons of press. Over a constitution that was changed to help give more power to its president. Maybe it's time we pala and pechanga get together and start getting violent That seems to be the only way the attention gets noticed. Also any other disenrolled and disenfranchised and moratorium people that there are out there. I say we all get on the same page and we go from one tribal hall or casino to another and not just talk the talk but we begin to walk the walk. I would gladly stand with my brothers and sisters and let the chips fall where they may.
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all california indians should ban together as a whole and stand together, more of us the better. you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours.
cool! :)
I completely agree and that's what I was getting at. Lets start getting a concensus on a date and time that would work for everyone. Maybe put up fliers for people to contact a d start getting a headcount. Lets make this happen.
there,s about 40 strong from chuckchansi or more who are waiting to make a huge demonstration on dissenrollements for all california indians.Its not going to take one tribe but many to make a difference.
I'm sure we at pala could rally a 100 or so. Enrolled and disenrolled that would stand together. The rest are chickenshit. Too afraid of repercussions.
The 40 at chuckchansi are all enrolled members.We do not know why the dissenrolled don't take a stand, they already have nothing to lose???
O.P., these "Ad's are counter productive. Payday loans? Come on now! You have got to remove them.
They have got to know that this site won't put up with this. It's troublesome at best, and makes a mockery of what we are here for, "The Destruction of the Indian Way of Life as we know it!"
..."Eagle Eyes."
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Frauded documented Indians to take the place of the "Genuine" American Indians.
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