For over 5 years I've done extensive research on the archives of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. From the National Archives to public libraries, to online collections, to BIA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
After discovering Non-Natives have occupied the San Pasqual reservation since 1909 and exposing historical errors to the Office of the DOI, Secretary of the Interior, the BIA has refused to be compliant under 43 CFR. The California BIA Regional FOIA coordinator, Douglas Garcia, has made almost imposible to complete any of my FOIA requests.
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Emilio Reyes |
From claiming fee waivers "do not" meet the required guidelines, to "forgetting" to process requests in a timely manner, to claiming such records don't exist even though I have copies of the original records, to redacting information even when death records are being provided, which will not compromise any information under the Privacy Act.
Furthermore, at least 15 FOIA appeals are sitting in the Office of the Solicitor's office unresponded.
If you've experienced a similar problem with BIA or have a concern regarding FOIA requests that have been submitted to any agency within the Department of the Interior, He'd be interested to know, you can leave your information in the comments. Emilio will be escalating his appeals in the court level and will be working with a local senator to request an investigation, an internal audit of BIA records, and possibly changes and/or amendments on FOIA guidelines.
Maybe the new Secretary of the Interior, will take a look at the okey doke, the shuffling of papers while claiming they can't find anything...will end.
What the hell~ Is wrong with that guy "Douglas Garcia", Why is he doing this? Why is he making it almost impossible to complete any of my FOIA requests."What the hell in his "Inferno mind" is his problem???
As I stated in the past the B.I.A is very "Incompetent" and Mismanaged".. I'm so glad Emilio is about to Request a local senator to request an investigation. And yes! An internal audit of BIA records and changes and amendments on FOIA guidelines. Mr .Douglas Garcia must be related to some of those FAT-SOs..that have "Mis managed the B.I.A" it seems like Mr douglas is a retard or he's busy being a pervert".. somewhere, and not focusing on his priorities and duties. "I tell you folks "If you give these Government Officials a block,... they will take a mile"~ Do not trust them! No way... They claim there natives, ...but I differ, I think there corrupted and we all know there's no Honor in Corruption. There more like "infidels" "B.i.A Infidels" they must step down. Like all corrupted Folks, a prime example is Allen E. lawson, The tolers, and "Mark Queer man" Macarro"..and his el cajon encounters ..:D.
Once the iceberg is exposed the base is buried under water usually three times the exposed piece. Same with the current So. California BIA and the others their who had relations with the bands who thought it was ok to disenroll entire clans when the saw the truth sitting right in front of them or in the records held in trust. Our people have already been down corrupt actions by others and now to think its ok if the current members sit by and allow it to happen even if they disagreed before it took place. Shameful actions will be shined under the bright light. Our Ancestor will make sure the truth is always shared.
Lots of problems with FOIA responses here too. Let us get to court and see how the judge feels about this. Afterwards I will share some of the details.
Every time something is submitted to the BIA Regional Office in Sac.
Amy D will not act on it until she has a chance to confer with the
Chairmen of the Tribes that are in question and they can agree on their terms of how much will this cost me.
Then she will decide to either submit the info requested or put it the shredder and dump it into her trash can.
That's how these corrupt leaders stay one step ahead of everyone else.
Get rid of that lady that smells like onions and start the healing.
Thank you Emilio for your courage to take action. BIA needs to comply with the law.
All this has been happening under the supervision of Amy's Dutschke. So many problems!!!! The San Pasqual historical errors. Pechanga disenrollment of Paulina Hunter descendants. The disenrollment of Margarita Brittain descenants of Pala. The one million unaccounted in Pala. When will it stop?????? Frances Muncy is finally gone. Amy needs to be investigated.
Dutschke's fingers are in the new Wilton Rancheria deal too...
Can Muncey be held liable for crap she pulled on the San Pasqual people?
Why is doing the right thing so hard for some people?
Doug Garcia come to the office and ...bring your badge with you
A replacement of staff is necessary and overdue.
Not to defend the BIA, but fulfilling FOIA requests is time consuming and resource intensive. Douglas Garcia a thankless job, which is no fault of ours. Keep in mind that the BIA lost all the IBM records of thousands of Indians. The BIA has proven that it is incompetent and corrupt. Douglas Garcia also has to answer to Amy Dutschke. Would you want that job?
I too was denied for a FOIA, but the funny thing is that the first letter that I have recieved was from Amy Dutschke who had signed the denied letter. So when I called I was told by a member of my tribe that the Chair called the BIA to deney my request. Really it is a FOIA and when I called the BIA back I had talked too Barbara stating my request could not be processed. Then I also told her that Amy Dutschke could not deny my request because now she is a CONFLICT of INTEREST because she belongs to the same Tribe I do. Then I recieved another letter from Troy Burdick which it was signed by someone else stating that if I still want FOIA I wouldd have to pay $51.50 by Check or Money Order well I sent a check and Saturday March 6, 2017 My check was sent back saying I would have to call Doug Garcia. So today I called him left a message and no return call just yet. I will be waiting tomorrow for the call.
This doesn't give no Government to be so corrupted like they are. They should be ashame of themselves.
We were charged over $3,000 for our FOIA request to only relieve less than 70 pages (out of the 1st 100 pages free according to their own rules) and most pages were redacted.
To Anonymous 9:46pm, email Chief of Staff, Andrea Kadish @ FOIA WA. The issue will remain on record for appealing purposes. If you need help or advise, email:
To Anonymous 5:39 AM. In accordance to 43 CFR 2.39 as "other use" requestor, you are entitled to 2 hours free of search time and 100 pages free of charge. In accordance to 43 CFR 2.37 the Bureau should ensure that it conducts searches, review and duplication in the most efficient and the least expensive manner so as to minimize costs for the requestor and the Bureau. Please contact me:
Thank you people for sharing your info, make sure you keep all papers sent to you and maybe record conversations with the Bureau, that way you have more proof. If you could catch Amy in a total lie that she verbally says, that would be amazing. This lady needs to go down, she has just been the ruin of true natives. One lady can bring down thousands of Natives, only out of pure greed and power, she will have to pay one day. Amy, when you come before your maker, you will be shown what you have done to us, all the hurt, the depression, the pain, the sadness, the suffering that you have caused us will be directed at you, and you will need every single one of us to forgive you, for you to not suffer the pains of hell. You are just digging your hole deeper and deeper. You have set up a situation where once the whole truth is known, your family will suffer from you and your nieces doings. Glad I am not a member of your family because it will not be a pretty picture. They will blame you for decades. You deserve it for destroying so many people's lives.
You're kidding, right? Catching Amy Dutschke in a lie isn't difficult. She lies all the time. We have numerous records of her lies. Lying meets the standard of reasonableness for lawsuits under the APA, and so the BIA does it all the time. We are in a lawsuit against the BIA right now so forgive me if I save the specifics to help undermine deference to the agency. Later on I may be able to share our experience with the lying tactics of the BIA in general, and Amy Dutschke in particular.
Why have'nt seen any comments on the corrupt Saginaw Chippewa tribe,as far as I know thier the only trie in Michigan that are dis-enrolling members,Why is'nt nobody speaking up??
From what I hear Amy Dutschke is being investigated by ???? and the ????? for her ties to the disenrollments at Pala and another Reservation and her personal ties to the Chairman at Pala, Mr.Smith.
Rumors around are that there is evidence of money changing hands
through a third party which would pass it to Amy Dutschke for info
on certain Members of the Pala Tribe.
Some of these documents are really good remakes of the originals.
Except the paper that has been used and passed off as the original is way off the beaten path.
Also the typing is way off from what it should be if these were the original documents and the signatures of certain family members that supposedly signed these documents are forged.
So maybe she and her greedy counter partners will soon be behind bars.
And I don't mean the kind of bars that you order a drink from or allowed to piss your pants at.
I hope this is true. Our brothers and sisters in pala have suffered a great deal at the hands of Robert. Re enroll the Britain decendants
I believe that 3:52 PM is stating a true post. I have heard the same statements from someone else in the Sacramento area.
So maybe the time is near for the down fall of the corrupt ones.
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers.
Its sad that our history is being silenced. But Justice always comes through our redeemer and Saviour Yeshua. Nothing can't stop it, not even all the money, greed and corruption. The truth is always revealed through Him! To All you money hungry casino people, you can't take the money with you after this life. Prayers that your greedy hearts are filled and transformed with Yeshua's grace and love.
R&R, how did the court date go? In your previos post you said you would let us know
Thats so deep and true justice for Bob forman.."Justice comes thru our reedeemer! Yeshua! Our king and Savior! The one thats males and justifica and reveales truth....amén my brother in the native struggle..
I am not at liberty to discuss the status of our legal action. Once a decision has been issued I will share the details.
Sounds good. I really want the Agua caliente of pala to be federally recognized. I think It would help the situation in pala
@ 3:05 pm
I thought his encounters were in Menifee at the friendly book store.
Did he really try to pay a man to give him a BJ or is that just hearsay?
Perhaps those that understand law and due process can understand how states Citizens can control their state legislations by unifying in
The use of the 9th Amendment then directing states to use Article V to amend manifesting the right to alter or abolish.
A page summarizing the legal process anc public action.
An audio presentation that addresses details.
This is not a quick fix it is a permanent fix. But it need not be slow either. If those with legal background understand how the people can do this and encourage people to compensate for the abridging of the PURPOSE of free speech by sharing widely, this can snowball.
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