Saturday, May 23, 2009

The THREE Pechanga Indian MASSACRES

Original Pechanga is on Vacation, here is an article that was previously posted on the family blog:

There are three Pechanga Massacres in our last 175 years. 1847, 2004, 2006

1846 - Up to 125 Luisenos were killed in a December attack in retaliation for the killings of 11 Pauma persons who had stolen horses.

2004 - Over 300 Pechanga men, women and children from Temecula Band of Luiseno Indians were eliminated by a corrupt enrollment committee.

2006 - Over 200 more Pechanga men, women and children, including award winning elders were eliminated by same enrollment committee and supported by the corrupt Pechanga Tribal Council.

Pechanga has eliminated more of their tribe than any outside force in it's recorded history. Congratulations to Pechanga for the mass extermination of their people. Blood drips from the knife wounds in the back........ and thru the heart

1 comment:

'aamokat said...

OP, I think you got part of the history wrong on this one.

That it was the Cahuilla who killed the Luiseno in 1847 not people from Pauma who are Luiseno.

But one thing is true, Pechanga has wiped out more people with a stroke of the pen in its paper genocide than were killed in the 1847 massacre.