Wednesday, January 8, 2025

TRAILER for You're NO INDIAN Movie on Tribal Disenrollment! See it HERE




Anonymous said...

Great video, so true too. We have suffered so much, the loss of identity, stolen from us with no way of fighting, the loss of tribe, the loss of family, the loss of Healthcare, the loss of Tribal Rights, the loss of homes. We have suffered the evil eyes, thoughts, words, and deeds from those who hate us, for lies they have been told and taken for truth, yet we have shown thousands of paperwork of proof. Their denial will be their demise. We have suffered the gain of stress, anxiety, sadness, depression, bad credit, bankruptcy, starting over, barely surviving. But we're still here, and we're still fighting the good fight. The Devil has his helpers, they have no idea how bad hell is going to be for them, but for every person they hurt and are not forgiven for hurting them, the hole gets deeper. Praying and hoping that the Good Tribal members come together, stand up to your dictator Chairmen and do whats right, before you too succumb to the evil. I guess that money is just to important for them to do what's right.

OPechanga said...

If the actions of DISENROLLMENT were JUST. Why wouldn't the tribes want to tell their side of the street...

Anonymous said...

This is great! Can’t wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Where’s it going to be streamed?