Friday, July 15, 2011

Video: Our Sovereignty Is Not For Sale The Struggle for Indian Gaming

An interesting video by Tribal Attorney Tony Cohen documenting the struggle to gain gaming in California. It's primarily testimony before Kevin Gover  then with the BIA.    Please watch.

Notable that Pala created a firestorm by accepting a compact with Pete Wilson. It's obviously one sided, we see nothing from Pala on their accepting of the compact.  The Secretary of Interior approved the compact.

Neither do we see what tribes, under the guise of sovereignty have done to their people: Pechanga, Redding Rancheria, Snoqualmie, Picayune..   The signs of protest say don't send us back to welfare, when in fact, thats JUST WHAT tribes have done to their people.   Mooretown Rancheria is featured as is Santa Rosa.

USING SOVEREIGNTY LIKE A CLUB, to BLUDGEON THE WEAK is not what we thought self-reliance meant. Depriving Indians of their heritage, their education, their livelihood, their health care.

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